本馆由衷感激各捐赠者,特此展示部分近期珍贵捐赠,以表谢意。 |
雲茂潮先生网上书库 雲茂潮先生传略 Biography of Mr. Wan Boo Sow 雲茂潮(1916-1992),著名制药师。祖籍海南省龙马乡大宫村。其父崇锦公早年赴新加坡经商。生于新加坡,毕业自爱德华七世学院药剂科。1948年,先生抱救世之慈悲心理,在新加坡创设伦敦药房,出售各种成药。每于售卖药物之余,考究病患由来,利用其丰富的医药学识,制成多疳露及杀虫王等名药,行销于世,其功效极大。举凡小儿疳积,虫,面黄肌瘦,饮食不进,每一服用,就能除虫消滞,开胃润肠,诚为儿童圣药;而杀虫王乃杀灭蚊虫特效杀虫油,名闻东南亚各国。先生在事业之余,热心社会公益事业,出钱出力,争为人先;对雲氏宗族事业,尤其关心,被选为新加坡云氏公会历届主席。 Mr Wan Boo Sow (1916-1992) was a renowned pharmacist in the 20th century. His father, Mr Wan Chong-Jin, was a native of Hainan Province and had emigrated to Singapore for business. Mr Wan Boo Sow himself was born in Singapore, and he graduated from the King Edward VII College of Medicine, the only medical school back then in Singapore, with a degree in pharmacy. In 1948, Mr Wan founded the London Pharmacy in Singapore. While running the business, Mr Wan conducted extensive research on new medications. His research efforts yielded several successes, notably the popular Duo-gan syrup used to treat the many ailments of infants and young children, and the Ridsect brand of insecticide that was sold throughout Southeast Asia. Mr Wan Boo Sow was also a known figure in public welfare, and he acted as Chairman of the Singapore Wan Clan Association for many years. 就如许多早期的新加坡先辈,雲茂潮先生出身于贫困的移民家庭,然而,先生以其刻苦奋斗、自力更生及勇于拼搏的创业精神,终令他在商界闯出一片天。先生因为曾为学业挣扎,让他深明良好教育对个人和国家的重要性,因此不时向其后人灌输这方面的意识。 Like many early pioneers of Singapore, Mr Wan Boo Sow was born into a poor immigrant family, but through hard work, self-determination and an entrepreneurial spirit, he became a very successful businessman. As he had struggled in his younger days, Mr Wan particularly recognized the importance of education both to the individual and the nation, and he instilled this view in his own children. 雲茂潮先生子女秉持父亲的教育理念,在各大专学府设立奖学金奖励优秀生。工欲善其事,必先利其器,雲茂潮先生的子女深明此中道理,觉察欲办好教育,也有必要配备丰富的图书馆藏书。故其子女除设立奖学金奖励优秀生外,从1996年起,每年都捐赠一笔为数可观的经费供本馆购买文献资料。本馆利用这笔珍贵的捐款,近年来陆续购入一些有助于本大学教学和研究的文献资料,包括《续修四库全书》、《四库未收书辑刊》、《海南地方志丛刊》、《海南先贤诗文丛刊》、《地方志人物传记资料丛刊--华北卷》、《全宋文》、《四库禁毁书丛刊补编》、《宋集珍本丛刊》等大型丛书。这些文献资料不仅丰富了本馆的馆藏,更惠及学人的学术研究工作。 Mr Wan's
children, upholding their late father's
view of education, have set up a number of awards and scholarships in
various tertiary institutions. Further, in recognition of the importance
of library resources in support of education, the Wan family have been
making generous yearly donations for the acquisition of library
collections to the NUS Chinese Library, since 1996. 雲茂潮先生网上书库 Mr. Wan Boo Sow Online Book Gallery 为感谢雲先生后人对本馆慷慨捐助,本馆乃特设“雲茂潮先生网上书库”,展示和介绍利用雲先生后人的捐款所购入的各种大型丛书。 In appreciation of the Wan family’s generous contributions, the NUS Libraries has dedicated this website – Mr. Wan Boo Sow Online Book Gallery – to feature some of the collections acquired throughout the years using the donated funds. 2010年 《复旦大学图书馆藏稀见方志丛刊》是“著名图书馆藏稀见方志丛刊系列”之一种。此次共收辑复旦大学图书馆藏稀见明清方志41种,如康熙间刻本《上元县志》、嘉庆间稿本《仪征县续志》、清稿本《清湖小志》、康熙间刻本《处州府志》、万历间刻本《新会县志》、顺治间刻本《襄阳府志》等,皆为海内珍本,具有重要的文献和史料价值。 《四川大学图书馆馆藏珍稀地方志丛刊》收录有关四川地方志共39种。此批方志是四川大学图书馆从馆藏清代和民国旧方志中精选出的首批四川地区珍稀方志,均为巴蜀书社所出《中国地方志集成・四川府县志辑》所未收。因此,本《丛刊》亦可视为《中国地方志集成・四川府县志辑》的续编。其中,如《道光邻水县志》、《嘉庆中江县志》、《嘉庆资阳县志》等,皆唯存于四川大学图书馆。所录乡土志,大多为光绪末年所修,记录当时政治、经济、文化,以及学校、农业、动植物、物产、商务等真实情况,是研究当时政治、经济的第一手资料。此外,本丛书所收《马边纪实》、《盐源九所土司概况》、《宁属舆地志略》、《抚边屯乡土志》、《懋功屯乡土志》,皆今存稀世之本,为研究民族地区方舆民俗之重要参考文献。 《宋代传记资料丛刊》是“宋元明清传记资料丛刊系列”之一种。此丛刊依照民国时期燕京大学图书馆索引编纂处《四十七种宋代传记综合引得》书目,共收录《宋史》以外的46种宋代人物传记资料,后附《人名索引》。 《明清史料丛书续编》是《明清史料丛书八种》之续编,收录稀见明清史料丛书十五种,如《甲申野史汇钞》、《明季野史汇钞续编》、《明季野史杂钞》、《顾亭林明季三朝野史》、《海甸野史》、《明清史料杂钞》、《明末史料五种》等,大部分为清抄本,内容包括大量明清史实,尤其明末清初史,是明清研究的珍贵参考文献。 《闽刻珍本丛刊》(60册)A Collection of Rare Books Published in Fujian (60 volumes) 《闽刻珍本丛刊》是一部汇集闽刻珍本的集成性着作。闽刻指在福建境内完成刊刻的古籍,包括官刻、私刻、坊刻和寺院刻本等等。福建刻书自北宋开始,经过南宋的发展,直至元、明、清,皆负有盛名。福建刻书内容广泛,包括经史、诸子、科举用书、字书、韵书、类书、诗文别集和选本,以及平话、小说、戏曲等通俗文学作品,具有颇高的艺术、文物和文献价值。此丛书之选目,以元、明时期刻本为主,并兼顾品相;采取影印,原本舛误,均不修饰,以存其真。此丛书按四部分类,分经、史、子、集四部;各部之下再分细类,以古籍排序通例为秩。丛刊编者为每种书各撰提要,以交待刻本源流及价值。 《苏轼全集校注》(20册)Annotations of the Complete Works of Su Shi (20 Volumes) 《苏轼全集校注》以中华书局出版、孔凡礼点校的《苏轼文集》、《苏轼诗集》以及商务印书馆出版的龙榆生笺注本《东坡乐府笺》为底本,对苏文、苏诗、苏词进行了通收、通校、通注、通编和通评工作,共计800万字。此书体现出严谨的学风和新时代的学术眼光及水平,可谓迄今为止最全、最新、最权威之版本。此书之出版不仅为读者提供了一部可靠的苏轼诗词文全集,也为苏轼研究及宋代文学、文化研究提供了一部值得借鉴的文献资料。 《中国旧海关稀见文献全编》以海关为立足点,内容涵盖工商贸易、金融沿革、社会变迁等领域,从不同角度记述自1882年起至1934年间中国近代之海关及社会现状。所有文献均由当年的政府机构——海关总税务司组织编撰,并留存大量由洋海关主持编写的英文文献,亦附有大量由相关机构编制的原始统计数据、图表和地图,为相关史学研究提供翔实而全面的史料。此丛书全套共6种23分册如下: 《五十年各埠海关报告1882~1931》(14册)、民国时期各国海关行政制度类编》(2册)、《民国时期关税史料之一:修改税则始末记》(2册)、《民国时期关税史料之二:中国关税史》(1册)、《民国时期关税史料之三:中国关税史料》(2册)以及《民国时期关税史料之四:关税纪实》(2册)。 《民国史地期刊汇编》共收录12种民国时期历史地理学研究期刊,如《史学与地学》、《史地丛刊》、《史地杂志》、《史地论丛》、《西北史地》、《东北集刊》、《中南研究》等。此汇编按照发表时间顺序编排,并于书前冠以篇章详目,便于检索。所录期刊大多办刊时间不长,但是登载了如陈汉章、孟森、王国维、柳诒微、顾颉刚等大量著名专家的学术研究成果,具有丰富的学术和史料价值,然未曾再印,搜集不易,因此收集汇编,以飨读者。而《禹贡》、《史地学报》等重要史地学刊物因已影印,不再收入此汇编。 《明清内阁大库史料合编》(8册)A Compilation of the Cabinet Historical Data during Ming and Qing Dynasties (8 volumes)
《申报年鉴全编》(14册)The Compilation of Yearbooks by Shen Pao (14 Volumes)
《申报年鉴》是民国时期由上海申报馆出版的重要年鉴,于1932年为纪念《申报》创刊六十周年而创办了《申报年鉴》,在1933年出版第一期,此后每年出一期至1936年第四期,后因上海沦陷而停刊;在日本占领上海期间,于1944年复刊过一期《申报年鉴》。前后共出版五编,总计约一千万字。要目分为:“土地”、“历象”、“人口”、“政制”、“社会”、“教育”、“出版”、“学术”等,提供了中国现代史上一些重要事件的详细记录,集结了当时社会各方面的统计数字,其收入的历史事件,又经过去粗取精、分类整理,具有很高的史料价值,也是一本查阅方便的工具书。 2009年 《宋元浙江方志集成》(14册)Song-Yuan Zhejiang Fangzhi Integration (14 volumes)
册。浙江素有“方志之乡”之称。中国现存较为完整的宋元时期的古方志约40种,浙江境域的方志就有19种之多,充分显示了浙江在中国方志发展史上的突出地位。《集成》收录包括享誉已久的乾道、淳祐、咸淳《临安志》在内的志书文献共22种,约710万字,保存了许多具有历史价值的珍贵史料。《集成》按照《宋史•地理志》两浙路各府、州排序,收录以行政区域为范围编纂的志书次序排列,依次为:临安府、绍兴府、湖州、庆元府、台州、建德府、嘉兴府。同一行政区域内的志书,同级志书按志书编纂时间先后为序;县级志书则放在最后。 2008年
《中国地方志集成》 China Difangzhi
Integration This publication is a compilation of all valuable local historical gazetteers of the Chinese dynasties, and produced in a photocopied version. This includes all the “Annals (Provincial zhi)”, “House zhi”, “State zhi”, “Chi Office”, “County zhi”, “Township zhi”, “Landscape zhi”, “Temple zhi”, “Park Lin zhi”. The coverage of the publication is very broad, compilation and publication is very valuable. It is a good study tool for the present and future researchers in the area of Chinese historical gazetteers. Ji cheng consists of more than three thousands categories, about 47,000 rolls of books, and 1,0000 volumes. Currently, Chinese Library has the following collections: Guan Dong Fu Xian Zi Ji (51 volumes), Liao Ning Fu Xian Zi Ji (23 volumes), He Bei Fu Xian Zi Ji (73 volumes), Jiang Su Fu Xian Zi Ji (68 volumes), Shan Xi Fu Xian Zi Ji (57 volumes), Shang Hai Fu Xian Zi Ji (10 volumes). 《宋集珍本丛刊》(108册) Rare Books of the Song Dynasty (108 volumes)《宋集珍本丛刊》是一套旨在保存和流通宋代文集珍稀版本的大型断代文集丛书。《丛刊》由四川大学古籍研究所编纂,系依据该所20余年来在收集和整理宋代文献过程中,从海内外各大图书馆收集而得的960余种宋代珍本文献中,精选而成。全书共选录宋人别集、总集405种,其中多系明清以来相传故本,或系宫庭内府所藏,或为名家名 楼所珍,或有著名学者批校,或系藏家手录孤本。 The Rare Books of the Song Dynasty is a 108-volume set of literary rare books of the Song Dynasty. Compiled by the Sichuan University over a period of over twenty years, it makes available a fine selection of 405 rare titles. These rare titles include those in circulation since the Ming and Qing dynasties, titles held by private collectors or by the Court, as well as titles with commentaries by renowned scholars. Top
2007年 Coverage of the Collection of Local Gazettes of Hainan Province extends from the Song dynasty to 1949. The collection includes interviews, official histories and historical data of islands, states, prefectures, towns and even villages pertaining to Hainan. More than 70 local gazettes are gathered in this work.
of Literary Works of Prominent Hainanese Scholars
(27 volumes)
The Collection
of Literary Works of Prominent Hainanese Scholars features 26
literary works by prominent Hainanese scholars, from the Song dynasty to
the late-Qing period. The Completed Works of the Song Dynasty is a 360-volume set of literary works, in particular short essays and lyric poems, written during the Song Dynasty. Compiled by the Sichuan University over a period of more than twenty years, it is one of the largest undertakings in Chinese scholarship. This collection contains over 10,000 articles on more than 900 literary writers of the Song era, ninety-five per cent of which have previously not been anthologised.
Banned Titles Supplement Series
(90 volumes)
Siku Banned
Titles Supplement Series
is a 311-volume set of banned titles that were excluded in “Siku Quanshu.”
Taking ten years to complete, this compilation contains 634 banned
titles previously unavailable to the public. A notable feature of this
compilation is its attempt to preserve the style of the original
editions by using copyist manuscripts and woodblock editions. 1998年 《四库未收书辑刊》(301册)Siku Quanshu Weishou Series (301 volumes) 《四库未收书辑刊》是在《续修四库全书》、《四库全书存目丛书》、《四库禁毁书丛刊》之后出版的又一部巨型丛书,启动于1995年,2000年由北京出版社出版。是书由古文献学、版本学、目录学家罗琳先生担任主编,根据20世纪20年代罗振玉等30多位学者拟定的《四库未收书分类目录》,收集清四库馆臣未见与乾隆以降至清末问世的书籍,袭《四库全书》体例编纂而成。总计301册(含索引1册),收书1328种。其中经部288种,史部278种,子部249种,集部513种,共分十辑精装出版。版本上,尽量选用《四库未收书分类目录》著录之版本。 After Siku Quanshu, there was a gap in compilation for the period from the Qianlong era to 1911. Siku Weishou Series fills that gap. Siku Weishou Series (2000) is a 301-volume set compiled according to a bibliography published in the 1920’s, namely, the Bibliography of Excluded titles in Siku Quanshu. This bibliography was compiled by over 30 Chinese scholars including the renowned Mr Luo Zhenyu, and contains all works published since Siku Quanshu, from the Qianlong era to 1911. The project started in 1995 and was completed in 2000, and published by the Beijing Publishing House in the same year. Mr Luo Lin, a well-known Chinese scholar, was the chief editor. Altogether, 1328 titles are made available in this compilation. Top1996-2000年陆续购入 《续修四库全书》(1800册) Siku Continuation Series (1800 volumes)《续修四库全书》作为迄今为止最大型丛书《四库全书》的续编,从1994年开始启动,历时8年,到2002年4月完成了全部1800册的编纂出版工作。
册,史部670册,子部370册,集部500册。它与《四库全书》配套,构筑起一座中华基本典籍的大型书库,中国古代至1911年的重要典籍,可大致荟萃于此。 《续修四库全书》的收录范围既包括对《四库全书》成书前传世图书的补选,也包括《四库全书》成书后着述的续选。补选之书主要是被《四库全书》遗漏、摒弃、禁毁,或列入'存目'而确有学术价值的图书;《四库全书》已收而版本残劣,有善本足可替代的书籍;四库馆臣对戏曲、小说持鄙视态度未予收入,此次编选根据这些作品的文学价值择优选收,这也是'续修'具有开创意义之处。对乾隆中期以后至辛亥革命以前的图书,尽可能选收各学术门类和流派的代表性著作,主要是清代中期以纪晓岚、戴震、翁方纲、彭元瑞、任大椿、孙希旦、王念孙、阮元等为代表的'乾嘉学派'著作,清后期以魏源、龚自珍直至康有为、梁启超、章太炎等为代表的'新学'著作。此外,新从海外访回而合于本书选录条件的古籍,以及新出土的整理成编的竹简帛书也酌予选收。 Siku Continuation Series is a 1800-volume set that took 8 years to complete. The set is distinctive in its four-colour scheme display: classics (green cover), history (red cover), philosophy (blue cover) and literature (brown cover). The rationale behind this compilation is the awareness that many works formerly deemed as inferior in scholarship need to be re-evaluated in the current century. The aim is then to gather works that were destroyed, missed, or rejected in Siku Quanshu, as well as works that were published between the Qianlong period to 1911. Altogether, 5213 titles are collected in Siku Continuation Series, 51% more than the 3461 titles of Siku Quanshu.
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