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A Sense of History:
a select bibliography on the history of Singapore

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Singapore, 1965-: Independence & Nation-Building 
The Press & Mass Media


Ang, Peng Hwa . Singapore – communication scene. IN Goonasekera, Anura & Holaday, Duncan, eds. Asian communication handbook 1998. Singapore: Asian Media and Communication Centre & School of Communication Studies, Nanyang Technological University, 1998. Pp. 159-170. [TK5102.3 Asi.As]

Ang, Peng Hwa . Tension and creativity: Singapore’s media in transition. IN Koh, Siong Ling, et al., eds. inform.entertain.educate@sg: arts & media in Singapore. 2nd ed. Singapore: Research & Planning Division, Ministry of Information & the Arts, 2000. Pp. 88-109. [NX577.2 Art]

Ang, Peng Hwa  & Yeo Tiong Min , comps. Mass media laws and regulations in Singapore. Singapore: Asian Media Information and Communication Centre, 1998. 575p. [KPP108.35 Mas]

Atkins, William . The politics of Southeast Asia's new media. Richmond, UK: Curzon Press, 2002.  235p. [P92 Asi.At]

Betts, Russell H.  The mass media of Malaya and Singapore as of 1965: a survey of literature. Cambridge, MA: Center for International Studies, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1969. 142p. [P90 Bet]

Birch, David . Singapore media: communication strategies and practices. Melbourne: Longman Cheshire, 1993. 86p. [P92.12 Bir]

Chan, Ah Nyuk . The hegemony of English in Singapore: a comparison of public policy information in the English and Chinese print media. 112p. Academic exercise - Dept. of English Language & Literature, National University of Singapore, 1997. [PR13 *1997 6]

Chan, Jennifer Yin-Teng . The Singapore press and the women's movement: a study of alternative voices. Academic exercise- Dept. of Mass Communication Programme, National University of Singapore, 1995. [P90 1995 2]

Chen, Peter S. J.  & Kuo, Eddie C. Y.  Mass media and communication patterns in Singapore. Singapore: Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre, 1978. 66p. [P92.12 Che]

Choi, Alfred . Press coverage of a social problem in Singapore: an analysis of content, modes and styles of communication. Asian Journal of Communication, 9(1):129-146, 1999. Examines how Singapore newspapers report on the government's campaign against juvenile delinquency. [P92 Asi.AC]

Choi, Alfred . The role and functions of the press: an examination of Singapore newspapers in their coverage of juvenile delinquency. 128p. [PN5449.12 Cho]

Chua, Lee Hoong . Singapore. IN Latif, A., ed. Walking the tightrope: press freedom and professional standards in Asia. Singapore: Asian Media Information and Communications Centre, 1998. Pp. 142-155. [PN4748 Asi.Wa]

Davies, Derek . The press. IN Haas, Michael, ed. The Singapore puzzle. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999. Pp. 76-106. [DS5999.63 Spu]

Emily, Judy . The Singapore English language press: its role in conflict limitation in Singapore relations with its neighbours. 87p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University of Singapore, 1996. [JA36 *1996 4]

George, Cherian . The press and the city. Commentary,10:105-112, 1992. [DS591 C]

George, Cherian . The state and the press in Singapore: in the national interest? 28p. Academic exercise - University of Cambridge, 1989. [JA36*CU 1989 1]

Gomez, James , ed. Publish and perish: the censorship of opposition party publications in Singapore. Singapore: National Solidarity Party, 2001. 261p. [JQ729 Pul]

Gomez, James. Singapore: new technologies, old values. IN Coronel Sheila S., ed. The right to know: access to information in Southeast Asia. Quezon City, Philippines: Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism, 2001. Pp. 152-175. [JQ750 Rig]

Hao, Xiaoming . The press and public trust: the case of Singapore. Asian Journal of Communication, 6(1):111-123, 1996. [P92 Asi.AC]

Heidt, Erhard U.  Mass media, cultural tradition, and national identity: the case of Singapore and its television programmes. Saarbrucken, Germany: Breitenbach, 1987. 268p. [PN1992.312 Hei]

Heuvel, J. V.  & Dennis, Everette E.  The unfolding lotus: East Asia's changing media. New York: Freedom Forum Media Studies Center, Columbia University, 1993. viii, 212p. Has a section on Singapore (p.130-145). P92 Asi.Un

Ho, Frederic Chan Hoong . The Straits Times and press responsibility. 68p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University of Singapore, 1996. [JA36 *1996 7]

Holaday, Duncan ; Hao, Xiaoming  & Loy, Tang Hong . Television and identity in Singapore: the Chinese. Media Asia, 25(2):78-87, 1998. [P92 Asi.MA]

Hukill, Mark A.  Structures of television in Singapore. IN  French, David & Richards, Michael, eds. Contemporary television: eastern perspectives. New Delhi: Sage, 1996. Pp. 132-156. [HE8700.9 Asi.C0]

Koh, Siong Ling , ed. Arts, cultural & media scenes in Singapore. Singapore: Ministry of Information & the Arts, 1998. 122p. [NX577.2 Art]

Koh, Siong Ling , et al., eds. inform.entertain.educate@sg: arts & media in Singapore. 2nd ed. Singapore: Research & Planning Division, Ministry of Information & the Arts, 2000. 225p. First ed. published under the title: Arts, cultural & media scenes in Singapore. [NX577.2 Art]

Kuo, Eddie C. Y.   & Chen, Peter S. J.  Communication policy and planning in Singapore. London: Kegan Paul, 1983. 111p. [P95.8212 Kuo  ]

Kuo, Eddie C. Y.  Communication scene of Singapore. IN Goonasekera, Anura & Holaday, Duncan, eds. Asian communication handbook 1998. Singapore: Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre, 1993. Pp. 243-266. [TK5102.3 Asi.As]

Kuo, Eddie C. Y.  Mass media and language planning: Singapore's "Speak Mandarin" campaign. Journal of Communication, 34(2):24-35, 1984. [P90 JC]

Kuo, Eddie C. Y.  Multilingualism and mass media communications in Singapore. Asian Survey, 18(10):1067-1083, Oct. 1978. [DS1 AS]

Kuo, Eddie C. Y.  & Chen, Peter S. J.  Communication policy and planning in Singapore. London: Kegan Paul International in association with East-West Communication Institute, Honolulu, 1983. 111p. [P95.8212 Kuo]

Kuo, Eddie C. Y. ; Holady, Duncan  & Peck, Eugenia . Mirror on the wall: media in a Singapore election. Singapore: Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre, 1993. 132p. [P98.8212 Kuo]

Kuo, Y. C. , et al. Tracking public concerns: towards a theory of agenda management in Singapore elections. Asian Journal of Communication, 6(2);119-132, 1996. [P92 Asi.AC]

Latha Sinasamy . Tamil Malar: voice of the Tamil community (1964-1980). 83p. Academic exercise - Dept. of History, National University of Singapore, 2000. [D6 *2000 9]

Lee, Hsien Loong . When the press misinforms. Singapore: Information Division, Ministry of Communications and Information, 1987. 14p. [PN4748.12 Lee]

Lee, Waipeng . Singapore. IN Ramanathan, Sankaran &Becker. Jorg, eds. Internet in Asia. Singapore: Asian Media Information & Communication Centre, 2001. Pp. 148-161. [TK5105.875 Int.In]

Lent, John A.  Newspapers in Singapore. IN Lent, John A. ed. Newspapers in Asia: contemporary trends and problems. Hong Kong : Heinemann Asia , 1982. Pp.281-301. [PN5360 New]

Lent, John . Restructuring of mass media in Malaysia and Singapore. Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, 16(4):26-35, 1984. [DS1 BCAS]

Liao, Khoon Ngain . Relationship between the government and the press: a case study of Singapore from 1965 to 1979. 74p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University of Singapore, 1981. [JA36 *1981 6]

Lim, Ivan . Media monitors in Singapore. IN Venkateswaran, K. S., comp. Media Monitors in Asia. Singapore: Asian Media Information and Communication Centre, 1996. Pp. 73-80. [P92 Asi.Me]

Loong, May Lin , ed. On television in Singapore. Singapore: Singapore Broadcasting Corporation, [1988]. 119p. A record of the development of television in Singapore from 1963 to 1988. [PN1992.312 On]

Nair, B.  Singapore. IN Mehra, Achal, ed. Press systems in ASEAN states. Singapore: Asian Mass Communication Research and Information Centre, 1989. Pp. 85-90. [PN5449 Sou.Pr]

Ng, Hui Kuan ; Gan, Su-Lin  & Menon, Jayaram . Newspaper reporting and children's television programming in Singapore. IN Goonasekera, Anura, ed. Children in the news: reporting of children's issues in television and the press in Asia. Singapore: AMIC/SCS-NTU, 2001. Pp. 302-351. HQ784 Tel.Ch

Ooi, Giok Ling . Civil society, democracy and the role of the media in Singapore. Media Asia, 27(4):200-205, 222, 2000. Examines the role of media in the development of civil society and democracy in Singapore and the government’s response to the changing media landscape. [P92 Asi.MA]

Ow, Chin Hock . Broadcastings in Singapore. IN People's Action Party, 1954-1979. Singapore: Central Executive Committee, People’s Action Party, 1979. Pp. 134-145. [JQ729 *Peo.Pe]

Parker, Elliot . Press control in Singapore. Australian Journalism Review, 10:78-84, 1988.

Rodan, Garry . Asian crisis, transparency and the international media in Singapore. Pacific Review, 13(2):217-242, 2000. [DS501 PR]

Savage, Victor R.  & Mohammad Rasid Zaini . Environmental management: public campaigns and the mass media in Singapore. Media Asia, 22(1):43-54, 1995. [P92 Asi.MA]

Seow, Francis T.  The media enthralled: Singapore revisited. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1998. 254p. [PN5449.12 Seo]

Singapore and the foreign press. Singapore: Information Division, Ministry of Communications and Information, 1988. 99p. [PN4748.12 Sin]

Stravens, Felix . Advertising in Singapore. IN Frith, Katherine Toland, ed. Advertising in Asia: communication, culture and consumption. AMES, IO: Iowa State University press, 1996. Pp. 273-292. [HF5813 Asi.Ad]

Tan, Lai Kim ; Hao, Xiaoming  & Chen, Yaniu . The Singapore press as a mediator between the government and the public. Media Asia, 15(4):204-212, 1998. [P92 Asi.MA]

Tan, Teng Lang . The Singapore press: freedom, responsibility and credibility. Singapore: Times Academic Press for the Institute of Policy Studies, 1990. 22p. [H97 Ipso 3]

Tan, Wah Seng . Ideology and the mass media: the case of Singapore. 114p. Academic exercise – Dept. of Sociology, National University of Singapore, 1990 [HM15* 1990 21]

Tan, Yew Soon  & Soh, Yew Peng . The development of Singapore's modern media industry. Singapore: Times Academic Press, 1994. xvi, 263p. [P92.12 Tan]

Wong, Kokkeong . Media and culture in Singapore: a theory of controlled commodification. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, 2001. x, 159p. [P95.8212 Won]

Wong, Kokkeong . Political economy of media and culture in peripheral Singapore: a theory of controlled commodification. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1991. 310p. Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Massachusetts, 1991. [HE131*UMI 6]

Yeo, Denyse Siew Lin . Politics and the English-Language press in Singapore: issues and challenges. 73p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University of Singapore, 1999. [JA36 *1999 32]


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