Singapore, 1965-: Independence & Nation-Building
Bureaucracy & the Civil Service
Thomas J. Bridging tradition and modernization:
the Singapore bureaucracy. IN Tai, Hung-chao, ed. Confucianism and
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Institute Press, 1989. Pp. 195-223. [HC460.5 Cou]
Thomas J. Bureaucracy and development in
Singapore. Asian Journal of Public Administration, 7(1):55-69, 1985.
[JA26 APA]
Jennifer Jia Qun .
Information technology (IT) policies in Singapore: implications for
public administration. 69p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political
Science, National University of Singapore, 1999. [JA36 *1999 5]
S. K. Civil service reform and structural
adjustment. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1998. 267p. Has a chapter
entitled “Reform in the Singapore civil service” (pp. 55-63). [JF1601
Warren .
Without fear or favour: 50 years of Singapore’s Public Service Commission.
Singapore: Public Service Commission, 2001. 143p. [JQ726 Per]
M. Shamsul. The changing nature of administrative
reform: cases in Malaysia and Singapore. IN Wong, Hoi-kwok &
Chan, Hon S., eds. Handbook of comparative public administration in
the Asia-Pacific Basin. New York: Marcel Dekker, 1999. Pp. 23-46. [JQ24
David S. Changes in surveillance of regulatory
enforcement programmes in Singapore. Asian Journal of Political
Science, 7(2):105-125, 1999. [JA26 APS]
David S. Public administration in Singapore:
continuity and reform. IN Wong, Hoi-kwok & Chan, Hon S., eds.
Handbook of comparative public administration in the Asia-Pacific Basin.
New York: Marcel Dekker, 1999. Pp. 1-22. [JQ24 Han]
Tangie Ai Ling .
Autonomy and accountability: a comparative study of two autonomous
agencies in the Singapore civil service. 73p. Academic exercise
- Dept. of Political Science, National University of Singapore, 1999.
[JA36 *1999 15]
Mohammad Mohabbat .
Reforms in the Singapore civil service: lessons for Bangladesh. BIISS
Journal, 19(4):377-428, 1998. [Perind Reprint]
Tony Ming Thung .
Administrative training in the Singapore civil service: an evaluation
of recent changes. 94p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science,
National University of Singapore, 1996. [JA36 *1996 10]
Boon Hiok .
Public sector labour relations in the Singapore context. Singapore:
Dept. of Political Science, University of Singapore, 1979. 25p. [HD6855.2
Boon Hiok .
The Singapore civil service and its perceptions of time. Ann
Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1977. 378p. Thesis (Ph.D.)
- University of Hawaii, 1976. [JQ726 Lee]
Boon Hiok .
Statutory boards in Singapore. Singapore: Dept. of Political
Science, University of Singapore, 1975. 30p. [JQ726 Lee]
Quee Tiong .
The Public Service Commission system in Singapore. 100p. Academic
exercise - Dept. of Government & Public Administration, Nanyang
University, 1971. [JA36*N 1971 2]
Siong Guan .
Sustaining excellence in government: the Singapore experience. Public
Administration and Development, 17(1):167-174, 1997. [JS40 JLA]
Linda .
The public sector in contemporary Singapore: in retreat? IN Rodan,
Garry. Singapore changes guard: social, political and economic directions
in the 1990s. New York: St Martin’s Press, 1993. Pp. 168-183. [JQ729
Karin Yi Lyn. Implications of adapting total quality management in
Singapore: a case study of the Housing and Development Board (HDB).
68p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University
of Singapore, 1999. JA36 *1999 19
Ismail .
Bureaucratic accountability in Singapore: the role of Parliament
in ensuring the accountability of the public bureaucracy. 83p. Academic
exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University of Singapore,
1996. [JA36 *1996 12]
Hong Seng .
People's Action Party and the Singapore civil service 1959-1979.
74p. Academic exercise - Dept. of History, National University of Singapore,
1982. [D6 *1982 14]
profile of the public service of Singapore.
London: Commonwealth Secretariat, 1998. 116p. [JQ726 Pro]
Jon S. T. Administrative and legal measures
for combating bureaucratic corruption in Singapore. Singapore: Chopmen,
1978. 25p. [JQ726 Qua]
Jon S. T. Administrative reform and development
administration in Singapore: a comparative study of the Singapore Improvement
Trust and the Housing and Development Board. 626p. Thesis (Ph.D.)
- Florida State University, 1975. [HD7371.12 Qua]
Jon S. T. Bureaucratic corruption in the
ASEAN countries: a comparative analysis of their anti-corruption measures.
Journal of Southeast Asian History, 13(1):153-177, 1982. [DS501 JSAS]
Jon S. T. Culture change in the Singapore
civil service. IN Chaudhury, Shahid Amjad; Reid, Gary James &
Malik, Waleed Haider, eds. Civil service reform in Latin America and
the Caribbean: proceedings of a conference. Washington, DC: World Bank,
1994. Pp. 205-216. [JL962 Per.Ci]
Jon S. T. Decentralizing public personnel
management: the case of the public sector in Singapore. IN Kurosawa,
Susumu; Fujiwara, Toshihiro & Reforma, Mila A., eds. New trends
in public administration for the Asia-Pacific region: decentralization.
Tokyo: Local Autonomy College, Ministry of Home Affairs, 1996. Pp. 492-506.
[JS6950.3 New]
Jon S.T. Improving the efficiency and productivity
of the Singapore civil service. IN Burns John P., ed. Asian civil
service systems: improving efficiency and productivity. Singapore: Times
Academic Press, 1994. Pp. 152-185. [JQ98 Asi]
Jon S. T. Origin of Public Service Commission
in Singapore. New Delhi: Indian Institute of Public Administration,
1972. 8p. Reprinted from The Indian Journal of Public Administration,
v.18, no.4, Oct./Dec. 1972. [JQ726 Qua]
Jon S. T. The origins of the public bureaucracies
in the Asean countries. Singapore: Chopmen Enterprises, 1978. 32p.
[JQ96 Qua]
Jon S.T. Public administration in a city-state:
the Singapore case. IN Comparative study on the local public administration
in Asian and Pacific countries. Tokyo: Eropa Local Government Center,
1984. Pp. 206-216. [JQ96 Com]
Jon S. T. Public administration in Singapore:
managing success in a multi-racial Singapore. IN
Huque, A. S.; Lam, J. T. M. & Lee, J. Y. C., eds. Public administration
in the NICs: challenges and accomplishments. New York: St. Martin's
Press, 1996. Pp. 59-89. [JQ31 Pub]
Jon S. T. Public bureaucracy and policy
implementation in Singapore. Southeast Asian Journal of Social science,
15(2):77-95, 1987. [H8 SAS]
Jon S. T. The Public Service Commission
in Singapore: a comparative study of its evolution and its recruitment
and selection procedures vis-a-vis the Public Service Commissions in
Ceylon, India and Malaysia. 311p. Thesis (M.Soc.Sci.) - Dept. of
Political Science, University of Singapore, 1971. [JA36 *1971 2]
Jon S. T. The rediscovery of the market
and public-administration: some lessons from the Singapore experience.
Australian Journal of Public Administration, 52(3):320-328, 1993. [JA26
Jon S. T. Towards productivity and excellence:
a comparative analysis of the public personnel systems in the ASEAN
countries. IN Suchitra Punyaratabandhu-Bhakdi, et al, eds. Bangkok:
School of Public Administration, National Institute of Development Administration,
1986. Pp. 238-272. [[JQ96 Del]
Jon S. T. Transforming the Singapore civil
service for national development. IN Asmerom, Haile K. & Reis,
Elisa P., eds. Democratization and bureaucratic neutrality. New York:
St. Martin’s Press, 1996. Pp. 294-312. [JFD1501 Dem]
Stephen Ser Yung. Promoting quality service in Singapore's public
administration: a study of the Service Improvement Unit. 65p. Academic
exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University of Singapore,
1997. [JA36 *1997 14]
Vimal Kumar .
Public service reform for the 21st century: a case study of PS21
in Singapore. 85p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science,
National University of Singapore, 1997. [JA36 *1997 15]
Chee Meow .
Bureaucratic evolution and political change in an emerging nation:
a case study of Singapore. Manchester: Victoria University of Manchester,
1971. 240p. Thesis (Ph.D.) - Victoria University of Manchester, 1971.
[JQ726 Sea]
Chee Meow . The Singapore bureaucracy and issues of transition.
IN Hassan, Riaz, ed. Singapore: society in transition. Kuala
Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1976. Pp. 52-66. [HN770.2 Has]
Competitive salaries for competent & honest government: benchmarks
for ministers & senior public officers: white paper. Singapore:
Prime Minister's Office, 1994. 23p. [JQ726 Spa]
Viola Kher Shin .
Training in the Singapore civil service: the way forward. 103p.
Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University
of Singapore, 1999. [JA36 *1999 24]
Itoko .
The Singapore civil service, past and present: an approach to the
bureaucratic change in a developing society. 130p. Thesis (M.A.)
- International Christian University, 1969. [JQ726 Suz]
Anthony Kang Uei .
Meritocracy in the Singapore civil service: recruitment and promotion
of administrative service officers. 94p. Academic exercise - Dept.
of Political Science, National University of Singapore, 1997. [JA36
*1997 17]
Simon.; Zulkifli Baharudin &
George, Cherian .
Role of civil service in civil society. Straits
Times, 17 February 2000, p. 49. Microfilm.
Sarah .
Performance appraisal in Singapore, Thailand and the Philippines:
a cultural perspective. Australian Journal of Public Administration,
58(3)78-95, Dec. 1999. Looks at the experiences of the Singaporean,
Thai and Filipino civil services in appraising the performance of senior
government employees. [Perind Reprint]