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A Sense of History:
a select bibliography on the history of Singapore

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Official Records [1]

Public Record Office (Great Britain)

ADM 1. Great Britain. Admiralty . Admiralty & Secretariat files, 1660-1976. 11 microfilm reels.

ADM 116. Great Britain. Admiralty . Admiralty & Secretariat files, 1852-1960. 9 microfilm reels.

ADM 125. Great Britain. Admiralty . Admiralty Station records. China Station, 1828-1936.  132 microfilm reels.

ADM 199. Great Britain. Admiralty . War history cases and papers, 1936-1945. 4 microfilm reels.

ADM 214. Great Britain. Admiralty . Civil engineer-in-chief papers, 1788-1962. 1 microfilm reel.

AIR 23. Great Britain. Air Ministry . Overseas Command. Contents: AIR 23/2316. Singapore: civil disturbances, 1946 –- AIR 23/7724. Weekly intelligence summaries of the Air Command, South East Asia. 33 microfiches.

CO 273. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Original correspondence between the Colonial Office and the Foreign Office relating to the Straits Settlements and The Federated Malay States, 1838-1946.

661 microfilm reels: CO273/1 (1838) – CO273/659 (1939); 267 microfiches: CO273/660 (1940) – CO680 (1946).

CO 275. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Straits Settlements: sessional papers, 1855-1940.

Reports on the proceedings of the Legislative and Executive Councils of the Straits Settlements from 1855 to 1940. 88 microfilm reels. [DA16 Gre C275]

CO 276. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Straits Settlements: government gazette, 1867-1942. 40 microfilm reels.

CO 277. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Straits Settelements: miscellanea, 1867-1869, 1939.  Issues for 1870-1938  published as Blue book for the year. 3 microfilm reels.

CO 425. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Straits Settlements: entry books, 1867-1873. 3 microfilm reels.

CO 426. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Straits Settlements: register of correspondence, 1867-1945. 31 microfilm  reels.

CO 486. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Straits Settlements: register of out-letters, 1873-1926.  7 microfilm reels.

CO 537. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Colonies general supplementary original correspondence, 1759-1955. 81 microfilm reels, 1576 microfiches.

CO 865/65. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Singapore municipality: organisation and policy: 1943-1944. 1 microfiche.

CO 939/1. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Singapore: miscellanea: blue book for the year, 1946. 7 microfiches.

CO 940. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Sessional papers of the Colonial Government of Singapore, 1946-1960. 71 microfilm reels.

CO 953. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Original correspondence of the Colonial Office relating to Singapore, 1946-1951. 11 microfilm reels.

CO 967. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Private Office papers, 1873-1950. 20 microfiches.

CO 980. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Prisoners of War and Civilian Internees Department, 1941-1953. 90 microfiches.

CO 991. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Malayan Union and Singapore: registers of correspondence, 1946-1951. 5 microfilm reels.

CO 1010. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Singapore: registers of correspondence, 1946-1951. 3 microfilm reels.

CO 1022. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Original correspondence of the Southeast Asia Department, 1950-1958. 48 microfilm reels.

CO 1030. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Original correspondence of the Far Eastern Department relating to the Federation of Malaya and Singapore, 1954-1967. 70 microfilm reels.

CO 1037. Great Britain. Colonial Office . Police Department original correspondence, 1953-1956. 8 microfiches.

DEFE 11. Great Britain. Ministry of Defence . Chief of Staff Committee registered files, 1940-1964. 7 microfilm reels.

DEFE 13. Great Britain. Ministry of Defence . Private Office papers, 1950-1964. 1 microfilm reel.

FO 371. Great Britain. Foreign Office . General correspondence political, 1914-1960. 103 microfilm reels, 53 microfiches.

FO 1091. Files of the Office of the Commissioner General for the United Kingdom of Southeast Asia, 1955-1962. 101 microfilm reels.

PREM 13/1. Great Britain. Prime Minister Office . Correspondence & papers, 1964-1970.  1 microfilm reel.

Straits Settlements records: 1800-1867. Reproduction of manuscripts held in London, Public Record Office 1800-1867. 174 microfilm reels.

WO 32. Great Britain. War Office . Registered files: general series, 1853-1983. 200 microfiches.

W0 33. Great Britain. War Office . O and A papers, 1853-1963. 173 microfiches.

WO 106. Great Britain. War Office . Directorate of Military Operations and Intelligence papers, 1924-1949. 83 microfiches.

WO 172. Great Britain. War Office . World War, 1939-1945: War diaries: South East Asia Command and Allied Land Forces South East Asia, 1939-1946. 1,381 microfiches.

WO 196. Great Britain. War Office . Director of Artillery, 1892-1946. 6 microfiches.

WO 203. Great Britain. War Office . Military Headquarters, Far East papers, 1939-1945.  444 microfiches.

WO 208. Great Britain. War Office . Directorate of Military Intelligence, 1917-1948.  57 microfiches.

WO 367. Great Britain. War Office . World War, 1939-1945: Japanese register of Allied prisoners of war and internees held in camps in Singapore, 1942-1945. 16 microfiches.  


Australian Archives

Malaysia and Singapore, 1958-1966: archival materials from the Australian Archives. 1 microfilm reel.

CRSA 816. Australia. Dept. of Defence . Correspondence files, 1935-1958. 6 microfilm reels.

CRSA 1209. Australia. Prime Minister's Dept.  Correspondence files, 1957-1971. 4 microfilm reels.

CRSA 1838. Australia. Dept. of External Affairs . Correspondence files, 1948-1989. 28 microfilm reels.

CRSA 2908. Australian High Commission (London ). Correspondence files, 1930. 1 microfilm reel.

CRSA 5954. Australia. Dept of Defence . The Shedden collection: records collected by Sir Federick Shedden during his career with the Department of Defence and in researching the history of Australian defence policy, 1937-1971. 5 microfilm reels.



Archival materials on Singapore from the National Archives of Canada (Series RG 25).  1 microfilm reel.

Cowan, C. D.,  ed. Early Penang & the rise of Singapore 1805-1832 : documents from the manuscript records of the East India Company. Singapore: Malaya Pub. House, 1950. 210p. [DS599 Pn.Cow]

East India Company . Records relating to the Straits Settlements, 1786?-1860? From records in the National Archives of India. 13 microfilm reels.

East India Company . Straits Settlements factory records, 1769-1830. London: Recordak Microfilm Service, 1955. Reproduction of manuscripts held in India Office Library, London.  69 microfilm reels.

Great Britain. India Office . Board of Control records, 1784-1858: Board's collections: IOR/F/4. London: India Office Library and Records, 1990-1995. 7 microfilm reels.

Great Britain. India Office.  Copies of all correspondence between the government of India and the Secretary of State for India, and between the Secretary of State for India and the Colonial Office, and any other departments, relative to the proposed transfer of the Straits Settlements to the Colonial Office; and of any communications from parties in this country to the Colonial Office on the same subject. London: India Office, 1862. (Gt. Brit. Parliament. House of Commons. Reports and papers; no. 25). Microfilm.

Great Britain. India Office . Correspondence relating to the Straits Settlements, 1852-1869. Reproduced by Recordak from Indian Office Library, London. Contents: India political consultations, Range 203-204, 1859, 1861, 1863 - Secret letters from the Government of India, 1855-1858 - Secret letters from the Straits Settlements, 1863-1886. 1 microfilm reel.

Straits Settlements . Annual departmental reports: 1855-1940; 1946-1948. 32 microfilm reels. [J615.3 SADR]

Straits Settlements . Letters from Bengal to the Resident, Singapore, January 1831-December 1931.  1 microfilm reel.

Straits Settlements . Letters from London July 1828-December 1829: our governor and council at Prince of Wales Island, Singapore and Malacca. 1 microfilm reel.

Straits Settlements. Statistical Office . Blue book for the year, 1870-1938. Issues for 1867-1869 and 1939 reproduced by Public Record Office as Straits Settlements: miscellanea (CO 277).  36 microfilm reels.

Straits Settlements records: 1800-1867. Reproduction of manuscripts held in London, Public Record Office, 1800-1867. Content is itemized from A.1-Z.42 ; classified items are excluded. 174 microfilm reels.

United States. Consulate (Singapore ). Despatches from United States Consuls in Singapore,  1833-1906. 26 microfilm reels.



Kratoska, Paul H.,  comp. Index to British Colonial Office files pertaining to British Malaya. Kuala Lumpur: Arkib Negara Malaysia, 1990. 12 v. in 13.  v. 1. C0 273, Straits Settlements (1838-1900) file list -- v. 2. C0 273 (1838-1900) index (Abaca-Governor) -- v. 3. CO 273 (1838-1900) index (Governor-Pk) -- v. 4. CO 273 (1838-1900) index (Pk-Zimmer) -- v. 5. CO 273 (1901-1919) file list -- v. 6. CO 273 (1901-1919) index (Aarkus-Gough) -- v. 7. CO 273 (1901-1919) index (Gough-Pk) -- v. 8. CO 273 (1901-1919) index (Pk-Zurich) --v. 9. CO 273 (1920-1946) list, (1920-1946) index -- v. 10. 1920-1957 -- v. 11. 1838-1946 ; 1846-1962 (2 v.) -- v 12. 1847-1955. [Z3261 Kra]

Lau, Albert . Index guide to CO 273 and CO 717. Singapore: National University of Singapore Library, Reprographic Services Dept., 1982. The bulk of the index covers the CO 273 files spanning the inter-war period (1919 to 1939). The rest is devoted to the CO717 files between 1936 to 1939  and from 1946 to 1949. Microfiche.

Tan, Soo Chye . Index to the Straits Settlements records 1800-1867. Singapore : [S.C. Tan] , 1970-1971. 1 v. in 3. [DS596.2 Tan]


1 Users are advised that there may be gaps in our holdings of the official records listed here.


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Last modified: April 15, 2002