王赓武,原籍江苏省泰县。一九三零年出生于印度尼西亚泗水,旋即随双亲迁居马来亚怡保,在马来亚接受教育。一九四七年至一九四九年在南京中央大学学习文史。返马后,进入马来亚大学。一九五三年获马来亚大学荣誉学位,论文题目:“Chinese Reformists and Revolutionaries in the Straits Settlements, 1900-1911”。 一九五五年获马来亚大学硕士学位,论文为:“The Nanhai Trade : a Study of the Early History of Chinese Trade in the South China Sea”。一九五七年获英国伦敦大学博士学位,论文为“The Structure of Power in North Chinese During the Five Dynasty”。一九五七年起任马来亚大学历史系讲师。一九六三年晋升为教授兼系主任。一九六八年移民澳大利亚,任澳大利亚国立大学远东历史系主任及太平洋研究院院长。除研究工作外,还开设“东南亚的华人”课程,并指导博士研究生从事中国历史研究。一九八六年至一九九六五年间任香港大学校长。一九九六年起任新加坡国立大学东亚研究所所长。
王教授治学严谨,见解独到,著作等身。权威著作如“China and the Chinese overseas ”、“The Nanhai Trade”及“A Short history of the Nanyang Chinese”等都有中文译本。
书名 | 出版状况 | 索书号 |
东南亚与华人:王赓武教授论文集(姚楠编译) | 北京:中国友谊出版公司,1987 | DS509.51 WGW.D |
南洋华人简史(张奕善译) | 台北:水牛出版社,1988 | DS509.51 Wgw |
历史的功能(姚楠译) | 香港:中华书局,1990 | DS703.5 WGW.L |
中国与海外华人(天津编译中心译) | 香港:商务印书馆,1994 | DS509.51 Wgw |
海外华人的民族主义 | 新加坡:UniPress,1996 | DS523.4 Chi.W |
香港史新编 | 香港:三联书店,1997 | DS796 Hon.X |
南海贸易与南洋华人(姚楠译) | 香港:中华书局,1998 | HF1588.5 WGW |
民族主义在中国的复兴 | 新加坡:东亚研究所,1998 | DS501 Eai 1 |
坦荡人生学者情怀 : 王赓武访谈与言论集 / 主编 刘宏 | USA : 八方文化企业公司, 2000 | DS524.6 Wgw.T |
王赓武自选集 | 上海 : 上海敎育出版社, 2002 | DS734.9 Wgw 2002 |
海外华人硏究的大视野与新方向 : 王赓武敎授论文选 / 刘宏, 黄坚立主编 | USA : 八方文化企业公司, 2002 | DS732 Hwwr |
王宓文纪念集 / 王赓武选编 | River Edge, NJ : 八方文化企业公司, 2002 | LA2383 Wfw*W |
伊战启示录 / 王赓武, 宫少朋主编 | 新加坡 : 八方文化企业公司, 2003 | DS79.76 Yzqs 2003 |
移民與興起的中國 | 新加坡 : 八方文化創作室, 2005 | DS732 Wgw 2005 |
离乡别土 : 境外看中华 | 台北: 中央研究院历史语言研究所, 2007 | HM1271 Wgw.L 2007 |
Title | Imprint | Call Number |
Pulse | Singapore : B. Lim, 1950 | PL5149 Wgw.P |
Chinese Reformists and Revolutionaries in the Straits Settlements, 1900-1911 | Singapore : Department of History, University of Malaya, 1953 | DS596 Wan |
The Nanhai Trade : a Study of the Early History of Chinese Trade in the South China Sea | Thesis (M.A.), Department of History, University of Malaya, 1956 | HF408 Wan |
A short history of the Nanyang Chinese | Singapore : Eastern Universities Press , 1959 | DS509.5 Wan |
The structure of power in North China during the Five Dynasties | Kuala Lumpur : University of Malaya Press , 1963 | DS749.5 Wan |
Malaysia : a Survey(ed.) | Singapore : D. Moore, 1964 | DS596.7 Wan |
Raniri and the wujudiyyah of 17th century Acheh (Syed Muhammad Naguib al-Atlas ; [edited for the Council of the Society by Wang Gungwu]. | Singapore : Malaysian Branch, Royal Asiatic Society , [1966] | DS591 Rasmm 3 |
The use of history | [Athens] : Ohio University, Center for International Studies , 1968. | 901W184 |
Malaysia : contending elites | Sydney : Dept. of Adult Education, U. of Sydney , 1970 | DS596.7 Wan |
Scholarship and the history and politics of South East Asia | [Bedford Park, S. A.] : Flinders University of South Australia, Schoolof Social Sciences , 1970 | DS501 Fas 1 |
The re-emergence of China : a paper read to the University of Otago Extension Foreign Policy School May 1973 | Wellington : New Zealand Institute of International Affairs , 1973 | 951.05W184 |
Essays on the sources for Chinese history (ed.) | Canberra , Australian National University Press, 1973 | DS734.7 Ess |
The Chinese minority in Southeast Asia | [Singapore] : Nanyang University Southeast Asian Studies Programme , [1974] | 325.2510959W184 |
The middle Yangtse in T'ang politics | [New Haven : Yale University Press , 1973 | 951.017W184 |
The rebel-reformer and modern Chinese biography | [Sydney] : Sydney University Press for the Australian Academy of the Humanities, 1974 | CT21 Wan |
Self and biography : essays on the individual and society in Asia(ed.) | Sydney : Sydney University Press for the Australian Academy of the Humanities , 1975 | HM136 Wan |
China and the world since 1949 : the impact of independence, modernity and revolution | London : Macmillan , 1977 | DS777.55 Wan |
Society and the writer : essays on literature in modern Asia (ed.) | Canberra : Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University , 1981 | PJ310 Soc |
Southeast Asian studies in China : a report | Canberra : Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University , 1981 | DS524.8 Chi.So |
Hong Kong : dilemmas of growth(ed.) | Canberra : Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian National University and the Centre for Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong , 1982 | HC497 Hon.Ho |
The Chinese intellectual : past and present | Singapore : Published for the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, National University of Singapore by G. Brash , 1983 | LG399 NUSFAS.Fl 2 |
Trade and cultural values : Australia and the four dragons | Sydney : Asian Studies Association of Australia , 1988 | DS32.8 Cias 1 |
Changing identities of the Southeast Asian Chinese since World War II(ed.) | Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press , 1988 | DS523.4 Chi.Ch |
The culture of Chinese merchants | Ontario : University of Toronto-York University, Joint Centre for Asia Pacific Studies , 1990 | DS3 Wpj 57 |
China and the Chinese overseas | Singapore : Times Academic Press , 1991 | DS523.4 Chi.Wa |
The Chineseness of China : selected essays | Hong Kong : Oxford University Press , 1991 | DS721 Wan |
Community and Nation : China, Southeast Asia and Australia | St. Leonard, N.S.W. : Allen & Unwin for Asian Studies Association of Austraila , 1992 | DS523.4 Chi.Wa |
Hong Kong as the home of China coast Chinese : an historical perspective | The University of Hong Kong, 1994 | DS796 Hon.W 1994 |
The Chinese way : China's position in international relations | Oslo : Scandinavian University Press , 1995 | DS779.26 Wag |
Hong Kong's transition : a decade after the deal(ed.) | Hong Kong : Oxford University Press, 1995 | DS796 Hon.Ho |
Nationalism and Confucianism | Singapore : UniPress, 1996 | BL1855 Wan |
National choice | Canberra : Australia-Japan Research Centre, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, The Australian National University, 1996 | HC681 Pep 260 |
Hong Kong in the Asia-Pacific region : rising to the new challenges(ed.) | Hong Kong : Centre of Asian Studies, The University of Hong Kong, 1997. | HC470.3 Hon |
Dynamic Hong Kong : business & culture(ed.) | Hong Kong : Centre of Asian Studies, University of Hong Kong, 1997 | HF5389 Dyn |
Chinese collections : Asian Civilisations Museum | Singapore : National Heritage Board, 1997 | N3750.12 Chi |
Global history and migrations(ed.) | Boulder, Colo. : Westview Press, 1997 | D445 Glo |
The Nanhai trade : the early history of chinese trade in the South China Sea | Singapore : Times Academic Press, 1998 | HF3838 Sea.W |
The Chinese diaspora : selected essays(ed.) | Singapore : Times Academic Press, 1998 | DS732 Chi |
China's political economy (ed.) | Singapore : World Scientific Publishing Co., 1998 | HC427.9 Chn |
Shifting paradigms and Asian perspectives : implications for research and teaching | Singapore : Pagesetters Services Pte Ltd for Centre for Advanced Studies, National University of Singapore, 1999 | H1 Crps 10 |
China : two decades of reform and change(ed.) | Singapore : Singapore University Press : World Scientific, 1999 | HC427.92 Chiw |
China and Southeast Asia : myths, threats and culture | Singapore : World Scientific ; Singapore University Press, 1999 | DS503.4 Eop 13 |
Hong Kong : after smooth handover, now the hard part (and John Wong) | Singapore : East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore, 1999 | DS501 Ebb 28 |
Hong Kong in China : the challenges of transition (ed.) | Singapore : Times Academic Press, 1999 | DS796 Hon.Ic |
Asia : official British documents 1945-65 on CD-ROM [computer file] : selected documents from the end of World war II to Vietnam | [London] : Routledge Ltd. in association with the Public Record Office, 1999 | DS5 Asi |
The Chinese overseas : from earthbound China to the quest for autonomy | Cambridge, MA : Harvard University Press, 2000 | |
Reform, legitimacy and dilemmas : China's politics and society / editors Wang Gungwu, Zheng Yongnian.
Singapore : World Scientific : Singapore University Press, c2000 | JQ1508 Ref |
Only connect! : Sino-Malay encounters | Singapore : Times Academic Press, 2001 | DS595 *Chi.Wa |
Bind us in time : nation and civilisation in Asia | Singapore : Times Academic Press, c2002 | DS35 Wan 2002 |
To act is to know : Chinese dilemmas | Singapore : Times Academic Press, 2002 | DS735 Wan 2002 |
Anglo-Chinese encounters since 1800 : war, trade, science, and governance | New York : Cambridge University Press, 2003 | DA47.9 Chi.W 2003 |
Damage control : the Chinese Communist Party in the Jiang Zemin era / [edited] Wang Gungwu, Zheng Yongnian.
Singapore : Eastern Universities Press, 2003 | DS779.26 Dam 2003 |
The Nanhai trade : early Chinese trade in the South China Sea | Singapore : Eastern Universities Press, 2003 | HF3838 Asi.W 2003 |
Ideas won't keep : the struggle for China's future | Singapore : Eastern Universities Press, 2003 | DS721 Wan 2003 |
The Iraq War and its consequences : thoughts of Nobel Peace Laureates and eminent scholars / edited by Irwin Abrams and Wang Gungwu | Singapore : River Edge, N.J. : World Scientific, c2003 | U21.2 Irq 2003 |
The Nanhai trade : early Chinese trade in the South China Sea | Singapore : Eastern Universities Press, 2003 | HF3838 Asi.W 2003 |
What Asia understands of U.S. grand strategy | Washington, DC : Sasakawa Peace Foundation USA, 2003 | DS33.4 Uni.A 2003 |
Maritime China in transition 1750-1850 / edited by Wang Gungwu and Ng Chin-keong. | Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 2004 | DS735 Mari 2004 |
Nation-building : five Southeast Asian histories / edited by Wang Gungwu | Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, c2005 | DS526.7 Wan 2005 |
Interpreting China's development / editors, Wang Gungwu, John Wong | Singapore : Singapore University Press and World Scientific, 2007 | DS779.26 Chia 2007 |
Divided China : preparing for reunification 883-947 | Singapore : World Scientific, 2007 | DS749.5 Wan 2007 |
China and the new international order / edited by Wang Gungwu and Zheng Yongnian | Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York : Routledge, 2008 | JZ1734 Chi 2008 |