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Wedgwood, Josiah C.
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History: Great Britain
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History: South Asia
Tinker, Hugh.
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[DS384 Jal]
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[DS385 Jin.M]
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[DS385 Jin.W]
Ansari, Sarah F. D.
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DS413 Wal]
Chaudhuri, Nirad C.
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[DS422 Com.M]
Spear, Thomas George Percival.
The nabobs: a study of the social life of the English in
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[DS432 Bra.Se 1988]
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[DS433 Meh]
Coupland, Reginald.
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[DS436 Cou]
Nehru, Jawaharlal.
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Smith, Vincent Arthur.
The oxford history of India. Oxford: Clarendon
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Wolpert, Stanley A.
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Sinha, S.N., ed.
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Panikkar, Kavalam Madhava.
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[DS446.5 Pan 1929]
Mehrotra, SriRam.
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[DS447 Meh 1965]
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[DS447 Pan]
Andrews, Charles Freer.
India and the Simon report. London : George
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[DS448 And 1930]
Das, Durga.
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Mehra, Rupa & Co., 1974.
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[DS448 Das 1974]
Montagu, Edwin S.
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[DS448 Mon]
Nehru, Motilal.
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Wasti, Syed Razi.
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Spear, Thomas George Percival.
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[DS461 Spe]
Ashton, S. R.
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Chandra, Bipan.
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[DS463 Chn]
Cohn, Bernard S.
The development and impact of British administration in
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[DS463 Cohm]
Hardy, Peter.
The Muslims of British India. London: Cambridge
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[DS463 Har]
Metcalf, Thomas R.
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[DS463 Met]
Llewellyn-Jones, Rosie.
A fatal friendship: the Nawabs, the British, and the
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[DS469 Lle]
Brown, Judith Margaret.
Modern India: the origins of an Asian democracy.
Oxford, England; New York: Oxford University Press,
[DS475 Bro]
Hasan, Mushirul, , ed.
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[DS475 Com]
Copland, Ian.
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[DS475 Mas]
Nandy, Ashis.
At the edge of psychology: essays in politics and
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[DS475 Nan 1980]
Seal, Anil.
The emergence of Indian nationalism: competition and
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[DS475 Sea]
Gopal Sarvepalli.
British policy in India, 1858-1905. London:
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[DS475.1 Gop]
Thompson, Edward John.
The making of the Indian princes. London: Oxford
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[DS475.1 Tho 1943]
Stokes, Eric.
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Oxford: Clarendon Press ; New York: Oxford University
Press, 1986.
[DS478 Sto]
Bagal, Jogesh Chandra.
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[DS479 Bag 1953]
Hasan, Mushirul.
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New Delhi: Manohar Publications 1994.
[DS479 Has]
Chandra, Bipan.
India's struggle for independence, 1857-1947.
New Delhi, India:
Viking, 1988.
[DS479 Ind]
Paul R., and Robinson, Francis, eds.
The Indian National Congress and Indian society,
1885-1985: ideology, social structure, and political
dominance. Delhi: Chanakya Publications, 1987.
[DS479 Ind]
Johnson, Gordon.
Provincial politics and Indian nationalism; Bombay and
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National Congress, 1880 to 1915.
London: Cambridge University Press, 1973.
[DS479 Joh]
McLane, John R.
Indian nationalism and the early Congress.
Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1977.
[DS479 Macl]
Moore, Robin James.
Liberalism and Indian politics: 1872-1922.
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[DS479 Moo]
Nehru, Motilal.
Selected works of Motilal Nehru. New Delhi: Vikas, 1982-<1995
edited by Ravinder Kumar and D.N. Panigrahi.
6 vols.
[DS479 Neh]
Philips, Cyril Henry.
The evolution of India and Pakistan, 1858 to 1947.
London, New York: Oxford University Press, 1962.
Select documents. With the co-operation of H. L. Singh
and B. N. Pandey.
Sarkar, Sumit.
Modern India, 1885-1947. Delhi: Macmillan, 1983.
[DS479 Sar]
Shaikh, Farzana.
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in colonial India, 1860-1947. Cambridge
[England]; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1989.
[DS479 Sha]
Tripathi, Amales.
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[DS479 Tri 1967]
Bakshi, Shiri Ram.
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[DS479.1 Bak]
Gokhale, Gopal Krishna.
Speeches and writings. Bombay: Asia Publishing
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[DS479.1 *Gok.G]
Nanda, Bal Ram.
Gokhale: the Indian moderates and the British Raj.
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[DS479.1 *Gok.N]
Parvate, Trimbak Vishnu.
Gopal Krishna Gokhale: a narrative and interpretative
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Lajpat Rai, Lala.
Writings and speeches. Delhi: University
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[DS479.1 Laj.W]
Mody, Hormasji Peroshaw.
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[DS479.1 *Meh.M]
Masani, Rustom Pestonji.
Dadabhai Naoroji: the grand old man of India.
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[DS479.1 Nao.Ma]
I. M., and Goldberg, N. M., eds.
Tilak and the struggle for Indian freedom. New
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[DS479.1 *Til.Ti 1966]
Wolpert, Stanley A.
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California Press, 1962.
[DS479.1 *Til.W]
Gopal Sarvepalli.
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[DS479.6 Gop]
Martin, Briton.
New India, 1885: British official policy and the
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[DS479.7 Mar]
Craddock, Reginald Henry.
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[DS480 Cra 1929]
Moore, Robin James.
The crisis of Indian unity, 1917-1940. Oxford:
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[DS480 Moo]
Nehru, Jawaharlal.
India's freedom. London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1962.
[DS480 Neh]
Das, Manmath Nath.
India under Morley and Minto: politics behind
revolution, repression and reforms. Allen &
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[DS480.2 Das]
Wolpert, Stanley A.
Morley and India, 1906-1910. Berkeley:
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[DS480.2 Wol]
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Selected works of Govind Ballabh Pant. Delhi;
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Robb, Peter.
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[DS480.4 Rob]
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Adivar, Halide Edib.
Inside India. New Delhi; New York: Oxford
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[DS480.45 Adi 2002]
Azad, Abul Kalam , Maulana.
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[DS480.45 Aza]
Coatman, J.
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[DS480.45 Coa 1932]
Copland, Ian.
The princes of India in the endgame of empire, 1917-1947.
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[DS480.45 Cop]
Hodson, Henry Vincent.
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[DS480.45 Hod]
Israel, Milton.
Communications and power: propaganda and the press in
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[DS480.45 Isr]
Jalal, Ayesha.
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[DS480.45 Jal]
Jinnah, Mahomed Ali.
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Joshi, Shashi.
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Delhi; Newbury Park: Sage Publications, 1992.
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[DS480.45 Min]
Moon, Penderel.
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[DS480.45 Moo]
Niemeijer, A. C.
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National and left movements in India. New Delhi:
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[DS480.45 Nat]
Page, David.
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[DS480.45 Pag]
Philips, C.H., and Wainwright, Mary Doreen, eds.
The partition of India: policies and perspectives,
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Saxena, Abha.
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[DS480.45 Sax 1986]
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The Viceroy at bay: Lord Linlithgow in India, 1936-1943.
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[DS480.82 Gle]
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[DS480.82 Ind]
Moore, Robin James.
Churchill, Cripps, and India, 1939-1945. Oxford:
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Rizvi, Gowher.
Linlithgow and India: a study of British policy and the
political impasse in India, 1963-43. London:
Royal Historical Society, 1978.
[DS480.82 Riz 1978]
Chopra, P.N., ed.
Towards freedom, 1937-47. New Delhi: Indian
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[DS480.82 Tow 1985]
Moore, Robin James.
Escape from empire: the Attlee government and the Indian
problem. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1983.
[DS480.83 Moo]
Kumar Gupta.
Myth and reality: the struggle for freedom in India, 1945-47.
New Delhi: Manohar, 1987.
[DS480.83 Myt 1987]
Tinker, Hugh.
Experiment with freedom: India and Pakistan, 1947. London:
issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International
Affairs by Oxford University Press, 1967.
[DS480.83 Tin]
Dasgupta, Biplab.
The Naxalite movement. Bombay: Allied Publishers, 1974.
[DS480.84 Das 1975]
Das, Manmath
Partition and independence of India: inside story of the Mountbatten
days. New Delhi: Vision Books, 1982.
[DS480.84 Das]
Hasan, Mushirul.
A nationalist conscience: M.A. Ansari, the Congress, and the Raj.
New Delhi: Manohar, 1987.
[DS481 Ans.Ha 1987]
Mushirul, ed.
Muslims and the Congress: select correspondence of Dr. M.A. Ansari,
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Raj Kumar.
Annie Besant's rise to power in Indian politics, 1914-1917. New
Delhi: Concept Pub. Co., 1981.
[DS481 Bes.Ra 1981]
Bose, Subhas
Crossroads: being the works of Subhas Chandra Bose,1938-1940.
Asia Publishing House, 1962.
compiled by Netaji Research Bureau, Calcutta.
[DS481 Bos]
Gordon, Leonard
Brothers against the Raj: a biography of Sarat & Subhas Chandra Bose.
New Delhi: Viking, 1990.
[DS481 Bos.Go]
Chaudhuri, Nirad
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Windus, 1987.
[DS481 Cha]
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[DS481 Cor.Co 1975]
Desai, Morarji
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Desai, Morarji
The story of my life. Delhi: Macmillan India, [1974]-1979.
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[DS481 Des]
Gandhi, Mahatma.
Gandhi, an autobiography: the story of my experiments with truth.
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[DS481 Gan 1949]
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[DS481 Gan 1966]
Birla, Ghanshyam
In the shadow of the Mahatma, a personal memoir. Bombay: Orient
Longmans, 1953.
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[DS481 Gan.B]
Bose, Nirmal
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[DS481 Gan.B 1974]
Brown, Judith
Gandhi and civil disobedience: the Mahatma in Indian politics, 1928-34.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1977.
[DS481 Gan.Br]
Brown, Judith
Gandhi's rise to power, Indian politics 1915-1922. Cambridge:
University Press, 1972.
[DS481 Gan.Br]
Brown, Judith
Gandhi: prisoner of hope. New Haven: Yale University Press,
[DS481 Gan.Br 1989]
Nanda, Bal Ram.
Mahatma Gandhi: a biography. London: G. Allen & Unwin, 1958.
[DS481 Gan.N]
Parekh, Bhikhu.
Gandhi's political philosophy: a critical examination.
Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1989.
[DS481 Gan.P]
Mahatma Gandhi, an essay in political biography. New Delhi:
Manohar Publications, 1991.
[DS481 Gan.Ro 1991]
Parmeshwar Narain.
One more life. Delhi; New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.
[DS481 Hak.H]
Husain, Fazli,
Letters of Mian Fazl-I-Husain. Lahore: Research Society of
Pakistan, 1976.
edited by Waheed Ahmad.
[DS481 Hus 1976]
Husain, Fazli,
Diary and notes of Mian Fazl-I-Husain. Lahore: Research Society
of Pakistan, 1977.
edited by Waheed Ahmad.
[DS481 Hus 1977]
Mankekar, D. R.
Homi Mody, a many splendoured life: a political biography.
Bombay: Popular Prakashan, 1968.
[DS481 Mod.Ma]
Selected works of Jawaharlal Nehru. New Delhi: Orient Longman,
1972-<1982 >.
Advisory board: M. Chalapathi Rau, H. Y. Sharada Prasad, and B. R. Nanda;
General editor: S. Gopal.
[DS481 Neh]
Nehru: a political biography. London; New York: Oxford
University Press, 1959.
[DS481 Neh.B]
K. Natwar-Singh.
The legacy of Nehru. New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund:
Har-Anand Publications, 1996.
[DS481 Neh.Le 1996]
A bunch of old letters written mostly to Jawaharlal Nehru and some
written by him. New York: Asia Pub. House, 1960.
[DS481 Neh.N]
Jawaharlal Nehru, an autobiography: with musings on recent events in
India. London: Bodley Head, 1953.
[DS481 Neh.N]
Jayakar, Mukund
The story of my life. Bombay: Asia Publishing House, 1958.
[DS481 Jay]
Kulkarni, V. B.
M. R. Jayakar.
Delhi: Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting,
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[DS481 Jay.K 1976]
Dinanath Gopal.
Abdul Ghaffar Khan: faith is a battle. Bombay: Published for
Gandhi Peace Foundation by Popular Prakashan, 1967.
[DS481 Kha.T 1967]
Lajpat Rai ,
Autobiographical writings. Delhi: University Publishers, 1965.
edited by Vijaya Chandra Joshi.
[DS481 Laj]
Mahmud, Syed.
A nationalist Muslim and Indian politics: being the selected
correspondence of the late Dr. Syed Mahmud. Delhi: Macmillan Co.
of India, 1974.
edited by V. N. Datta, B. E. Cleghorn.
[DS481 Mah 1974]
Nanda, Bal Ram.
Gokhale, Gandhi and the Nehrus: studies in Indian nationalism.
London: Allen and Unwin, 1974.
[DS481 Nan]
Gopal Sarvepalli.
Jawaharlal Nehru: a biography. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard
University Press, 1976-1984.
3 vols.
[DS481 Neh.G.]
Parikh, Narahari,
Sardar vallabhbhai patel. English. Ahmedabad: Narvajivan Pub.
House, 1953-1956.
2 vols.
the original in Gujarati by Narhari D. Parikh.
[DS481 Pat.P]
Tahmankar, D. V.
Sardar Patel. London: Allen & Unwin, 1970.
foreword by Earl Mountbatten of Burma.
[DS481 Pat.T]
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[HT720 May]
Rudolph, Lloyd
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[JQ229 Bus.M]
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[JV1063 Gup]
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[UA17.5 Ind.K]
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Wainwright, Mary
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[Z6601 Wai]
Nehru Memorial
Museum and Library.
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[Z6616 Neh.Ne]