吴元黎(Wu Yuan-Li)

吴元黎,一九二零年出生于中国上海,在上海南洋中学完成中学课程后,进入上海圣约翰大学攻读,后赴英深造,一九四二年获英国伦敦大学经济学第一等荣誉学位。一九四六年再获经济学博士学位。回国后,曾在中国中央银行任职。一九四九年移居美国。曾任美国旧金山大学经济系教授。一九六零年起任斯坦福大学胡佛战争、革命与和平研究所(Hoover Institution)研究员和顾问等职。是亚洲研究协会会员、北美华人社会科学家协会会长。由于他对中国问题有精湛的研究,曾任美国国防部助理次长。

吴教授一生从事经济学的教学与研究工作,对当代中国经济政治研究尤有心得,他曾利用胡佛图书馆浩瀚的藏书以及大量中国专访人员的情报撰写了多部有关当代中国的专书。他也对海外华人的经济问题有深入的研究。著述甚丰。主要英文著作有《The economy of communist China》,《The strategic land ridge : Peking's relations with Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia》,《Future of Hong Kong toward 1997 and beyond》和《Becoming an industrialized nation : Roc's development on Taiwan》等二十多种。中文著作有《中共国际经济政策:现代化和开放的探索》,《海外华人与东南亚的经济发展》,《美国华人经济现况》及《华人在东南亚经济发展中的作用》等。他的著作有多种被译成中文、英文、法文、德文和日本文。他曾荣获一九八五年德国Alexander Von Humbolt Stiftung研究奖。


书名 出版者 索书号
美国华人经济现况/吴元黎主编;广树诚译述 台北:正中书局,1985 E184         Chi.M
海外华人与东南亚的经济发展 台北:正中书局,1985 HC497         Wyc
迈向科技化、制度化与国际化/吴元黎著;刘荣主等译 台北:时报文化,1986 -
美国在西太平洋的政策与战略利益/吴元黎著 台北:中华学术院南洋研究所,1986 DS509.51      Nyyj
中共国际经济政策:现代化和开放的探索 台北:幼狮文化事业公司,1987 HC427.92      Wyl
华人在东南亚经济发展中的作用 厦门:厦门大学出版社,1989 HC429         Wyl.H


书名 出版者 索书号
Economic warfare New York, Prentice-Hall, 1952 330.19      335W95
Economic development and the use of energy resources in Communist China New York, Published for the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace by Praeger, 1963 HD9556          *Chi.W
The economy of Communist China : an introduction Pall Mall Press, 1965 HC427.9        Wu
The steel industry in Communist China ,with a contribution by Ronald Hsia New York, Published for the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution ,and Peace, by F.A. Praeger, 1965 HD9526          *Chi.W
The spatial economy of Communist China : a study on industrial location and transporation, by Yuan-Li Wu with H.C. Ling and Grace Hsiao Wu New York, Published for the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace, Stanford Calif., by Praeger, 1967 HC427.9       Wu
As peking sees us ;<people's war〉in the United States and Communist China's America policy [by J Yuan-Li Wu with H.C. Ling Stanford, Calif., Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1969 E183.8       Chi.W
The organization and support of scientific research and development in Mainland China/by Yuan-Li Wu and Robert B. Sheeks New York, Published the National Science Foundation by Praeger Publishers,1970 507.2051        W95
Communist China and the world balance of power; an analysis of Communist China's prospects and policies and their implication for U.S. interests Washington, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1971 DS740.4         Wu
Strategic significance of Singapore : a study in balance of power Washington, American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research, 1972 DS599.63       Wu
China L a handbook/ edited by Yuan-Li Wu New York, Praeger, 1973 DS706         Wu
U.S. policy and strategic interests in the Western Pacific New York : Crane, Russak, 1975 DS518.8         Wu
The strategic land ridge : Peking's relations with Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia Stanford, Calif. : Hoover Institution Press, Stanford University, 1975 DS525.9         Chi.Wu
Japan's research for oil : a case study on economic nationalism and international security Stanford, Calif. : Hoover Institution Press, 1977 HD9576        *Jap.W
Raw material supply in a multipolar world New York : Crane, Russak, 1979 HF1051        Wu
Human rights in post-Mao China/John F. Cooper, Franz Michael and Yuan-Li Wu Boulder : Westview Press, 1985 JC599          Chi.C
Becoming an industrialized nation : Roc's development on Taiwan New York : Praeger, 1985 HC430.5         Wu
The Future of Hong Kong : Howard 1997 and beyond / edited by Hung-Dah Chiu, Y.C. Jao, and Yuan-Li Wu New York : Quorum Books, 1987 DS796          Hon.F
Human rights in the People's Republic of China Boulder, Colo : Westview Press, 1988 JC599          Chi.H
Can one unscramble an omelet ? : China's economic reform in theory and practice / Yuan-Li Wu and Richard Y.C. Yin Baltimore, Md. : School of Law, University of Maryland, 1992 DS1          Opr114
Tiananment to Tiananment China under communism 1947-1996; after delusion and disllusionment, a nation at a crossroads Baltimore, Md. : School of Law, University of Marland, 1997 Ds1            Opr138
