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宋李瑞芳 (Sung Betty Lee)
宋李瑞芳,一九二四年出生于美国马里兰州巴尔的摩。九岁时全家迁回中国居住。一九三五年返回美国定居。一九四八年考获美国伊利诺大学文学士学位。一九六八年考获纽约城市大学图书馆硕士学位。一九八三年再考获该大学社会学博士学位。论文题目是《The adustment experience of Chinese immigrant Children in New York City》。一九四八年与宋希源(Hsi Yuan Sung)结婚。一九四八年至一九五四年曾担任电台《美国之音》(Voice of America)的广播员,主持每星期一次向亚洲地区广播有关美国华人生活的情况和经验的节目《华人动态》。她以普通话、厦门话、广州话和台山话等多种方言播音,受到当地华人的喜爱和欢迎。她也是美国出版社Dubleday和McGraw Hill的对稿员和编辑。从一九五四年至一九六零年,她放弃工作,全心照顾家庭并养育了四个儿女。从一九六零年至一九六一年她是 Island in the Sun Club 杂志副主编。一九六五年在纽约州公共图书馆工作并在纽约城市大学攻读图书馆学硕士学位。一九六六年离婚。一九七二年与查尔斯·钟(Charles C.M.Chung)结婚。一九七零年起加入纽约城市大学亚洲研究系,主讲《美国华人》课程。历任讲师、副教授、教授兼系主任至一九九二年退休为止。在一九七三年至一九七八年,她先后获得四笔研究经费,使她能在授课之余继续潜心研究华人问题写成了多部专著。
宋教授一生从事美国华人问题的研究,著述甚丰,她的第一部著作《Mountain of gold》是描写华人在美国生活的经验和现况。此书是根据她在《美国之音》的讲稿编辑而成,获《海外华人联合会》所颁发的优异文化奖。其他著作尚有《The Chinese in America》,《A survey of Chinese-America manpower and employment》,《Gangs in New York Chinatown》和《Chinese American intermarriage》等十多种。
书名 | 出版者 | 索书号 |
Mountain of gold : the story of the Chinese in America | New York : Macmillan, 1967 | E184 *Chi.S |
The story of the Chinese in America | New York : Collier Book, 1971 | E184 Chi.Su |
The Chinese in America | New York : Macmillan, 1972 | 325.2510973 Su72 |
Racial and ethnic group population by census tract : SMSA of Boston, Chicago, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C. | New York : Dept. of Asian Studies, City College, 1974 | - |
Racial and ethnic group population by census tract : the standard metropolitan statistical areas of Honolulu, Houston, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Francisco, Seattle, 1970 | New York : Dept. of Asian Studies, City College, 1974 | - |
A survey of Chinese-America manpower and employment | New York : Praeger, 1976 | 331.63951073 Su72 |
Gangs in New York's Chinatown | New York : Office of Child Development, Dept. of Health, 1977 | - |
Chinese immigrant children (preliminary report) / by Rose Chao ; edited by Betty Lee Sung | New York : Dept. of Asian Studies, City College, City University of New York, 1977 | - |
An album of Chinese American | New York : F. Watts, 1977 | - |
Statistical profile of the Chinese in the United States 1970 census | New York : A New York Times Co., 1978 | - |
Transplanted Chinese children | New York : City College of New York, 1979 | - |
Chinese population in lower Manhattan, 1978 | Washington, D.C. : U.S. Dept. of Labor, Employment and Training Administration, 1981 | - |
The adjustment experience of Chinese immigrant children in New York City | New York : Center for Migration Studies, 1987 | - |
Chinese American intermarriage | New York : Center for Migration Studies, 1990 | E184 *Chi.Le |