陈素贞(Chan Sucheng)

陈素贞,一九四一年出生于中国上海。幼时患上小儿麻痹症和肺炎。从四岁开始才学走路。一九五零年全家搬到马来亚槟城居住。因健康允许,进入了槟城英华女子学校念书。不久,再南下到新加坡定居,进入了新加坡美以美女校念书。一九五七年为了素贞的健康和升学问题,全家移民美国,进入了纽约州立中学就读。一九五九年进入宾夕法尼亚州立斯沃斯莫尔学院(Swarthmore College)深造,一九六三年毕业,获文学士学位。一九六五年获夏威夷大学硕士学位,主修亚洲研究。一九六五年至一九六六年间曾到菲律宾及东南亚各地进行人类学调查和研究工作,后转修政治学。一九七三年考获加利福尼亚大学伯克莱分校政治学博士学位,论文题目是《The long march : its historiography and political context》。在六十年代和七十年代,她曾积极参加民权运动和反越战运动。从一九七一年至一九七三年,她在加州大学索诺马分校担任人类学助理教授,一九七四年后回到加州大学伯克莱分校,担任亚美人研究中心副教授。一九八四年起出任加州大学塔克鲁斯分校橡树学院(Oakes College)院长职并兼任该校副校长的学术助理。一九八八年为了有更多时间专心研究和写作,她出任加州大学圣地巴巴拉分校的历史系教授和亚美人研究计划主任。一九九二年以后她是亚美人研究教授和历史系教授。陈教授在加州大学伯克莱分校任教时,曾因改进教学及发展课程获颁发《优秀教学奖》。一九九四年又获加州大学圣巴巴拉分校颁发《优秀教学奖》。

陈教授一生致力于研究亚裔少数民族问题,在教学,行政之余,潜心于研究,是美国著名的亚裔问题专家。著述甚丰。她的处女作《Bittersweet soil : the Chinese in California agriculture,1860-1910》(1986)一书曾分别在一九八六年、一九八七年和一九八八年获得杰出书籍奖。她的另一部编著《Quiet odyssey : a pioneer Korean woman in America》(1990)获一九九一年度亚美人学会颁发《优秀书籍奖》。另一部著作《Asian America : an interpretive history》(1991)获一九九二年人权研究优异书籍奖。其他编著有《Entry denied》(1991),《Asian Californias》(1991)和《Claiming American》(1998)等。其夫婿Prof. Mark Juergensmeyer曾任加州大学伯克莱分校教授,现任夏威夷大学亚洲与太平洋学院院长。


书名 出版者 索书号
This bittersweet soil : the Chinese in California agriculture : 1860-1910 Berkeley : Unitersity of California Press, 1986 -
Social and gender boundaries in the United States / edited by Sucheng Chang ; with the assistance of Jenni Currie Lewiston, N.Y.: E. Mellen Press, 1989 HN57     Soc
Income and status differences between white and minority American : a persistent inequality / edited by Sucheng Chan, with the assistance of Jenni Currie Lewiston, N.Y. : E. Mellen Press, 1990 HC110     Inc.I
Quiet odyssey : a pioneer Korean women in America / Mary Paik Lee ; edited with an introduction by Sucheng Chan Seattle : University of Washington Press, 1990 E184     Kor.Le
Entry denied : exclusion and the Chinese community in America, 1882-1943 / edited by Sucheng Chan Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 1991 E184    *Chi.E
Asian American : an interpretive history / Sucheng Chan Boston : Twayne, 1991 E184     *Ori.Ch
Asian Californians / Sucheng Chan San Francisco : MTL/Boyd & Fraser, 1991 F870     *Ori.Ch
Hmong means free : life in Loas and America / edited and with an interduction by Su Cheng Chan Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 1994 DS557.47    Hmo
Peoples of color in the American West / edited by Sucheng Chan Lexington, Mass : D.C.Health and co., 1994 F596.2 Peo 1994
Major problem in California history : documents and essays / edited by Sucheng Chan, Spencer C. Olin Boston : Hughton Mifflin, 1997 -
Claiming American : constructing Chinese American identities during the exculusion era / edited by K. Scott Wong and Sucheng Chan Philadephia : Temple University Press, 1998 E184     Chi.Cl
Remapping Asian American history / edited by Sucheng Chan Walnut Creek, CA : AltaMira Press, c2003 E184 Ori.Re 2003

In defense of Asian American studies : the politics of teaching and program building 

Urbana : University of Illinois Press, 2005

E184 Asi.Ch 2005


The Vietnamese American 1.5 generation : stories of war, revolution, flight, and new beginnings / edited by Sucheng Chan Philadelphia, PA : Temple University Press, 2006 E184 Vie.Vi 2006
Chinese Americans and the politics of race and culture / edited by Sucheng Chan and Madeline Y. Hsu Philadelphia : Temple University Press, 2008 E184 Chi.Ci 2008
