陈志明(Tan Chee Beng)

陈志明,一九五零年生于马来西亚新山巴株巴辖。一九七四年毕业于槟城理科大学,获社会科学(荣誉)学士学位。一九七四年底进入美国康乃尔大学深造,一九七六年获文学硕士学位。为了撰写博士论文,曾回返马来西亚作为期十七个月的马六甲娘惹与巴巴和土生华人的田野调查工作。一九七九年五月获人类学博士学位。论文题目是《Baba and nyonya : a study of the ethnic identity of the Chinese perankan in Malacca》。此论文经修改后以《The Baba of Melaka》专书于一九八八年出版。

陈博士于一九七九年至一九八零年在新加坡大学社会学系担任讲师。一九八零年底回返马来亚大学担任中文系讲师。嗣后擢升为人类学系副教授,同时也担任文学与社会科学院研究所《种族关系研究》计划主任。一九九七年出任香港中文大学人类学系教授。现任该系教授兼系主任。同时也是香港亚太研究所《东亚文化关系与认同》计划主任及《Asian Anthropology》期刊主编。目前的研究范围是《文化转型与认同》,《华人宗教信仰》,《土生华人与其发展》,《海外华人》和《香港与中国文化认同》等课题。

陈教授精通中、英及马来文。课余从事著述,著作颇丰,已出版的编著有《The development and distribution of Dejiao associations in Malaysia and Singapore》(亦有中文译本)《Chinese peranakan heritage in Malaysia and Singapore》,《The Hui Hui (Chinese muslims) in Terengganu》及《Chinese in Malaysia》等十五种。而发表在各著名学术期刊,报刊及书中篇章的论文有二十多篇。他对马来西亚原住民(Indigenous peoples),马六甲娘惹与巴巴(Nyonya & baba)和新马土生华人(Perankan)的文化遗产,文化认同,宗教信仰及语言问题等有深入研究,是新马研究土生华人民族学(Baba ethnography)和土生华人(Pernakan)的专家。有关陈志明教授的个人网页请点击这里.


书名 出版者 索书号
马新德教会之发展及其分布研究 / 陈志明著 ;苏庆华译 吉隆坡:代理文员文摘(马)有限公司,1990 BL1950      Czm
福建暨闽南研究文献选辑 / 陈志明,张小军编(香港亚太研究所,研究丛刊;第49号) 香港:香港中文大学香港亚太研究所,1999 BS793        Fj.C
跨國網絡與華南僑鄉 : 文化, 認同和社會變遷 / 陳志明, 丁毓玲, 王連茂主編 香港 : 香港中文大學, 香港亞太研究所, 2006 DS732 Kgwl 2006


书名 出版者 索书号
Three studies on the Orang Asli in ulu Perak / by Mohd. Razha b. Hj. Abd Rashid, Syed Jamal Jaafer, Tan Chee Beng Pinang : Perpustakaan Universiti Sains Malaysia, 1973 GN635.11     Pk.T
Baba and nyonya : a study of the ethnic identity of the Chinese peranakan in Malacca Thesis(Ph D.) Cornell University, 1979 DS595         Tan
The development and distribution of Dejiao association in Malaysia and Singapore : a study on Chinese religious organization. Singapore : Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1985 BL1950.1     Tan
The Hui Hui (Chinese Muslims) in Terenganu Kuala Lumpur, Pengajian Pembangunan Manusia, Pengajian Tinggi, Universiti Malaya, 1988 DS599        T.Tan
The Baba of Melaka : culture and identity of a Chinese peranakan community in Malaysia Petaling Jaya, Selangor : Pelanduk Publications, 1988 DS595         Tan
The preservation and adaptation of tradition : studies of Chinese religious expression in Southeast Asia / Tan Chee-Beng, editor Columbus, Ohio State University, Dept. of Anthropology, 1990 -
Bibliography on ethnic relations : with special reference to Malaysia and Singapore Kuala Lumpur : Institute of Advaced studies, University of Malaya, 1992 Z3268         Tcb
The migration of Kenyah Badeng : a study based on oral history / by Vom Roy ; edited by Tan Chee-Beng Kuala Lumpur : Institute of Advaced studies, University of Malaya, 1993 GN635.14    Vom
Chinese peranakan heritage in Malaysia and Singapore Kuala Lumpur : Fajar Bakit, 1993 DS595         Tan
Communal associations of the indigenous communities of Sarawak : a study of a ethnically and national integration Kuala Lumpur : Institute of Advaced studies, University of Malaya, 1994 GN635.14    Tan
Dimensions of the tradition and development in Malaysia / edited by Rokiah Talib and Tan Chee-Beng Petaling Jaya ,Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia : Pelanduk Publications, 1995 HN770        Dim
Sociocultural change, development and indigenous peoples / Tan Chee-Beng, editor  Suva Fiji : University of Pacific, Institute of Pacific Studies, 1997 GN635        Sou.Sae      97/11
Ethnic groups, ethnogenesis and ethnic identities : some examples from Malaysia Hong Kong : Dept. of Anthropology, Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1997 -
The Baba of Melaka : culture and identity of a Chinese peranakan community in Malaysia S.I.:Asean Academic Press Ltd, 1999 (2nd edition) -
The Chinese in Malaysia / edited by Lee Kam Hing and Tan Chee Beng New York : Oxford University Press, 1999 DS599.4      *Chi.Ch
Changing Chinese foodways in Asia / edited by David Y.H. Wu and Tan Chee-Beng Hong Kong : The Chinese University Press, 2001 GT2853 Asi.Ch
Tourism, anthropology and China : in memory of professor Wang Zhusheng / edited by Tan Chee-Beng, Sidney C. H. Cheung, Yang Hui Bangkok : White Lotus Press, 2001 G155 *Asi.Sat 1
Chinese minority in a Malay state : the case of Terengganu in Malaysia Singapore : Eastern Universities Press, c2002 DS599.1 T.Tan 2002
Chinese overseas : comparative cultural issues Hong Kong : Hong Kong University Press, c2004 DS595 *Chi.Tan 2004
Southern Fujian : reproduction of traditions in Post-Mao China / edited by Tan Chee-Beng Hong Kong : Chinese University Press, c2006 DS793 Fj.So 2006


Chinese transnational networks / edited by Tan Chee-Beng. London ; New York : Routledge, 2007 DS732 Chi 2007
Food and foodways in Asia : resource, tradition and cooking / edited by Sidney C.H. Cheung and Tan Chee-Beng London ; New York : Routledge, 2007 GT2853 Asi.Fo 2007
