Singapore, 1965-: Independence & Nation-Building
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How Ghee .
Development trends and scientific-technological infrastructure. IN
Ng, Charles & Menon, T. P. B., eds. Singapore: a decade of independence.
Singapore: Alumni International Singapore, 1975. Pp. 89-103. [DS599.7
Siow Yue ,
et al. Growth and development of the IT industry in Bangalore and
Singapore: a comparative study. Singapore: Sterling Publishers 2001.
88p. [HC437 Ban.Ch]
Kenneth E. Information technology and telecommunications
policies in Southeast Asian development: cases in vision and leadership.
IN Savsge, V. R.; Kong, L. & Neville, W., eds. The naga awakens:
growth and change in Southeast Asia. Singapore: Times Academic Press,
1998. Pp. 145-200. [HC497 Sou.Sa]
Arthur Lee .
Information technology transfer: the Singapore strategy. IN Chatterji,
M., ed. Technology transfer in the developing countries. New York: St.
Martin's Press, 1990. Pp. 320-324. [T174.3 Tec]
Chor Boon .
Creating a research and development culture in Southeast Asia: learning
from Singapore's experience. Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science,
26(1):49-68, 1998. [H8 SAS]
Chor Boon .
The role of state and society in the development of science and technology
in Singapore: a historical and socio-cultural perspectvie. 468p.
Thesis (Ph.D.) – University of New South Wales, 1995. [T173.512 Goh]
Chang Chieh .
What it takes to sustain research and development in a small, developed
nation in the 21st century. IN Low, L., ed. Singapore: towards a
developed status. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. 25-36.
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Michael .
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electronics. Development and Change, 25(2):333-361, 1994. [HD82
Michael .
Innovation in East Asia: the challenge to Japan. Aldershot, UK:
Edward Elgar, 1995. 224p. Has a chapter entitled "Singapore: a
test case of leapfrogging" (pp. 136-161). [HC460.5 Hob]
Michael . Technological
learning in Singapore: a test case of leapfrogging. Journal of Development
Studies, 30(4):831-858, 1994. [HC10 JD]
Habibul Haque .
An examination of science policies in the Asia-Pacific region: the
evolution of science policies in Singapore. [Singapore: H. H. Khondker,
1994]. 74p. Unpublished typescript. [Q127.12 Kho]
Eddie C. Y. Policies and strategies of
IT development in Singapore. IN Riddle, Dorothy I., ed. Information
economy and development. Bonn: Media and Communication Dept. of Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung,
1988. Pp. 120-134. [HC79 Inf.If]
Monika M. . Information
in isolation: the case of the Republic of Singapore and the Union of
Myanmar. Ann Arbor, MI: UMI, 1997. 100p. Thesis (M.A.) - San Jose
State University. A comparative study of the information systems and
policies of Singapore and Myanmar. [Z674 *UMI 15]
Linda . Science,
technology and the state in Singapore: an overview and evaluation.
Singapore: Faculty of Business Administration, National University of
Singapore, 1997. 27p. [HF5006
Rps 97/04]
Rubin & Bozeman, James .
Comparativist study of state promotion of science and technology:
cases: Botswana and Singapore. Journal of Developing Societies,
15(1):116-142, 1999. [DS1 JDS]
David . Cloning
silicon valley: the next generation high-tech hotspots. London:
Reuters, 2002. xviii, 204p. Has a chapter entitled “Singapore: creativity
on command” (p. 146-67). [HC79 Hig.Ro]
National Medical Ethics Committee .
Ethical guidelines for gene technology. Singapore: National Medical
Ethics Committee, 2001. 32p. [QH438.7 Sin]
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National Science & Technology Plan Steering Committee .
National Science and Technology Plan: securing our future. Singapore:
National Science and Technology Board, 1997. 56p. [T177.12 Sna]
National Science & Technology Plan Steering Committee .
National Science and Technology Plan: towards 2000 and beyond: securing
our future. Singapore: National Science and Technology Board, 1996.
Lim Swee Say and Vijay Mehta, co-chairmen. 45p. [T177.12 Sna]
Poh Kam .
Implementing the NII vision: Singapore’s experience and future challenges.
Information Infrastructure and Policy, 5(2):95-118, 1996. [T49.5
Poh Kam .
National innovation system: the case of Singapore. Seoul: Science
and Technology Policy Institute, 1995. 49p. [T173.512 Won]
Poh Kam .
Singapore technology strategy. IN Simon, D. F., ed. The emerging
technological trajectory of the Pacific Rim. Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe,
1995. Pp. 103-134. [T30 Eme]
Vincent & Siew, Hing Yun ,
eds. Science & technology organisations in Singapore. Singapore:
Science Council of Singapore, 1988. 117p. [Q145 Sci]