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A Sense of History:
a select bibliography on the history of Singapore

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Singapore, 1965-: Independence & Nation-Building 
Ageing & the Aged


Asher, Mukul G.  Financing old age in Southeast Asia. Southeast Asian Affairs: 72-100, 1996. [DS501 SAA]

Bentelspacher, Carl  & Minai, Keiko , eds. Ageing in Japan and Singapore. Singapore: Department of Japanese Studies, National University of Singapore, 1994. 267p. [HV1484.12 Agi]

Blake, Myrna L.  The Malay family. IN Bentelspacher, C.  & Minai, K. , eds. Ageing in Japan and Singapore. Singapore: Department of Japanese Studies, National University of Singapore, 1994. Pp.59-82. [HV1484.12 Agi]

Chan, Angelique . The role of formal versus informal support of the elderly in Singapore: is there substitution? Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science, 27(2):87-110, 1999. [H8 SAS]

Chan, Angelique . The role of formal versus informal support of the elderly in Singapore: is there substitution? Singapore: Centre for Advanced Studies, National University of Singapore, 1999. 36p. [H1 Crps 11]

Chan, Angelique. Singapore's changing age structure and the policy implications for financial security, employment, living arrangements and health care. Singapore: Asian Metacentre For Population And Sustainable Analysis, 2001. iv, 27p. [HB3633 Amc 3]

Cheung, Paul  & Vasoo, S.  Ageing population in Singapore: a case study. IN Phillips, D. R., ed. Ageing in East and South-East Asia. London: Edward Arnold, 1992.  Pp. 77-104. [HQ1064 Asi.A]

Chia, Boon Hock . Age of despair: a study of elderly suicide in Singapore. Singapore: Times Books, 2001. 111p. [HV6545.2 Chi]

Emmanuel, Shanta C.  Physical and mental health of elderly people in Singapore. IN Bentelspacher, C.  & Minai, K ., eds. Ageing in Japan and Singapore. Singapore: Department of Japanese Studies, National University of Singapore, 1994. Pp.50-58. [HV1484.12 Agi]

Hermalin, Albert I.  & Chan, Angelique . Work and retirement among the older population in four Asian countries: a comparative analysis. Singapore: Pagesetters Services for Centre for Advanced Studies, National University of Singapore, 2000. 55p. [H1 Crps 22]

Jernigan, Homer L.  & Jernigan, Margaret . Aging in Chinese society: a holistic approach to the experience of aging in Taiwan and Singapore. New York: Haworth Pastoral Press , 1992. 125p. [HQ1064.12 Jer]

Ko, Soo Meng  & Kua, Ee Heok . Ethnicity and elderly suicide in Singapore. IN Pearson, Jane L. & Conwell, Yeates, eds. Suicide and aging: international perspectives. New York: Springer, 1996. Pp. 177-186. [HV6545.2 Sui]

Kua, Ee Heok . Ageing and old age: among Chinese in a Singapore urban neighbourhood. Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1994. 82p. [HQ1064.12 Kua]

Kua, Ee Heok . Shades of grey. Singapore: Asiapac, 1986. 101p. A book about the social conditions of the aged in Singapore. [HQ1064.12 Kua]

Kua, Ee Heok . A study of mental disorders in elderly Chinese living in the community in Singapore. 203p. Thesis (M.D.) - Dept. of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, National University of Singapore, 1991. [RC435 *1991 1]

Lim, Su Fern . The transport problems and needs of the elderly in Singapore. 132p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Geography, National University of Singapore, 1997. [G58 *1997 12]

Low, Charlotte Fuh Raei . Housing the elderly in Singapore: a pragmatic approach. 118p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Real Estate, National University of Singapore, 2001. [TH7 *2001 189]

Low, Linda  & Aw, Tar Choon . Financial security in old age: a case study of Singapore. IN Prescott, Nicholas, ed. Choices in financing healthcare and old age security. Washington, DC: 1998. Pp. 83-94. [HD82 Wbdp 392]

Mehta, Kalyani . Caring for the elderly in Singapore. IN Liu, William T. & Kendig, Hal, eds. Who should care for the elderly?: an East-West value divide. Singapore: Singapore University Press, 2000. Pp. 249-268. [HV1451 Who.]

Mehta, Kalyani  & Vasoo, S.  Community programmes and services for the long-term care of the elderly in Singapore: challenges for policy makers. Asian Journal of Political Science, 8(1):125-140, June 2000. [JA26 APS]

Ngiam, Tee Liang . Community support and natural helping networks for the elderly in a public housing estate in Singapore. IN Bentelspacher, C. & Minai, K. , eds. Ageing in Japan and Singapore. Singapore: Department of Japanese Studies, National University of Singapore, 1994. Pp. 140-174. [HV1484.12 Agi]

Phillips, David R.  & Bartlett, Helen P.  Aging trends - Singapore. Journal of Cross Cultural Gerontology, 10(4):349-356, 1995. [HQ1060 JCG]

Phua, Kai Hong . Ageing: socio-economic implications for health care in Singapore. Annals of the Academy of Medicine (Singapore), 16(1):15-23, 1987. [R97 AAS]

Phua, Kai Hong  & Yap, Mui Teng . Financing health care in old age: a case study of Singapore. IN Prescott, Nicholas, ed. Choices in financing healthcare and old age security. Washington, DC: 1998. Pp. 33-42. [HD82 Wbdp 392]

Phua, Kai Hong  & Yap, Mui Teng . Financing health care in old age: policy issues and implications in Singapore. Asian Journal of Political Science, 6(1):120-137, 1998. [JA26 APS]

Rappa, Antonio L.  The politics of ageing: perspectives from state and society in Singapore. Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science, 27(2):123-138, 1999. [H* SAS]

Singapore. Advisory Council on the Aged . Report of the Advisory Council on the Aged. Singapore: The Council, 1989. xvi, 66p. Prof. S. Jayakumar, chairman. [HV1484.12 Saa]

Singapore. Committee on the Problems of the Aged. Problems of the aged: report of the Committee on the Problems of the Aged. Singapore: Ministry of Health, 1984. 54p. Howe Yoon Chong, chairman. [HV1484.12 Sin]

Singapore. Inter-Ministerial Committee on the Ageing Population . Report of the Inter-Ministerial Committee on the Ageing Population. Singapore: Ministry of Community Development, 1999. 187p. Mah Bow Tan, chairman. [HQ1064.12 Sim]

Singapore. Ministry of Health , et al. The national survey of senior citizens in Singapore 1995. Singapore: Ministry of Health, 1996. 86p. [HV1484.12 Nat]

Singapore. Ministry of Social Affairs . Report on the national survey of senior citizens. Singapore: Ministry of Social Affairs, 1983. 77p. [HV1484.12 Sin]

Singapore. Service Review Committee . Eldercare master plan (FY2001 to FY2005). Singapore: Ministry of Community Development and Sports, 2001. 34p. [HV1484.12 Ssre]

Teo, Peggy . Aging in Singapore. Journal of Cross Cultural Gerontology, 11(3):269-286, 1996. [HQ1060 JCG]

Teo, Peggy . The national policy on elderly people in Singapore. Ageing and Society, 14(5):405-427, 1994. [HQ1060 AS]

Vasoo, S. ; Ngiam, Tee Liang  & Cheung, Paul . Singapore's ageing population: social challenges and responses. IN Phillips, David R., ed. Ageing in the Asia-Pacific region: issues, policies and future trends. New York: Routledge, 2000. Pp. 174-193. [HQ1064 Asi.A]

Yeo, Ai Teng . Filial piety and public policy: government and family care of the elderly in Japan and Singapore. 44p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Japanese Studies, National University of Singapore, 1998. [PL501 *1998 22]


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