Singapore, 1965-: Independence & Nation-Building
Defense & Foreign Affairs
Ahmad Badawi. Malaysia-Singapore relations.
Singapore: Times Academic Press for the Institute of Policy Studies,
1990. 31p. [DS596.7 Ahab]
Kwok Peow .
Singapore's security and economic regionalisms: a case study of APEC.
180p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University
of Singapore, 1999. [JA36 *1999 1]
Stanley S. Ethnicity and the armed forces
in Singapore. IN Ellinwood, D. C. & Enloe, C. H., eds. Ethnicity
and the military in Asia. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books, 1980.
Pp. 242-266. Originally published in Journal of Asian Affairs, 3(2):127-139,
1978. [UB419
Anthony .
The Five-Power Defence Arrangements. IN Abdul Razak Baginda &
Bergin, A., eds. Asia-Pacific's security dilemma: multilateral relations
amidst political, social and economic changes. London: ASEAN Academic
Press, 1999. Pp. 77-85. [UA830 Asp]
Singh . Challenges
confronting the foreign policy of a 'developed Singapore'. IN Low,
L., ed. Singapore: towards a developed status. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1999. Pp. 271-289. [DS599.63 Sto]
Singh .
Singapore: foreign policy imperatives of a small state. Singapore:
Heinemann Asia for Centre for Advanced Studies, Faculty of Arts and
Social Sciences, National University of Singapore, 1988. 45p. [JX1581.12
Singh .
Singapore's defence industries. Canberra: Strategic and Defence
Studies Centre, Australian National University, 1990. 78p. [HD9743.12
Singh. A small state's quest for security:
operationalizing deterrence in Singapore's strategic thinking. IN
Ban, K. C.; Pakir, A. & Tong, C. K., eds. Imagining Singapore. Singapore:
Times Academic Press, 1992. Pp. 97-131. [DS599.7 Ima]
Singh .
The Soviet Union in Singapore's foreign policy: an analysis.
Kuala Lumpur: Institute of Strategic and International Studies Malaysia,
1990. 219p. [JX1581.12 Bs]
Singh .
The vulnerability of small states revisited: a study of Singapore's
post-Cold War foreign policy. Yogyakarta: Gadjah Mada University
Press, 1999. 366p. [JX1581.12 Bil]
Peter .
Malaysia and Singapore in international diplomacy: documents and
commentaries. Sydney: Sydney University Press, 1968. 268p. [JX1581.1
Leszek .
Singapore: a foreign policy of survival. Asian Thought and Society,
10(29):128-136, 1985. [DS1 ATS]
Claire Yoke Chin .
Singapore-Indonesia relations, 1965-1976. 78p. Academic exercise
-Dept. of History, National University of Singapore, 1982. [D6 *1982
Heng Chee .
Singapore: domestic structure and foreign policy. IN Scalapino,
R. A., et al., eds. Asia and the major powers: domestic politics and
foreign policy. Berkeley, CA: Institute of East Asian Studies, University
of California, 19888. Pp. 285-305. [DS35.2 Asi]
Heng Chee .
Singapore's foreign policy, 1965-1968. Journal of Southeast Asian
History, 10(1):177-191, 1969. [DS501 JSAH]
Mickey .
Fighting fit: the Singapore Armed Forces. Singapore: Times Editions,
1990. 237p. [UA853.12 Chi]
Mickey. SAF
and 30 years of national service. Singapore MINDEF Public Affairs,
1997. 208p. [UB345.12 Chi]
Kin Wah .
The Anglo-Malayan (Malaysian) Defence Agreement: a study in alliance
transformation. 448p. Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of London, 1977.
Kin Wah .
The defence of Malaysia and Singapore: the transformation of a security
system, 1957-1971. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1983.
219p. Revised version of author's thesis (Ph.D.), University of London,
1977. [DS596.6 Chi]
Kin Wah .
The Five Power Defence Arrangements: twenty years after. Pacific
Review, 4(3):193-203, 1991. [DS501 PR]
Kin Wah . Singapore:
towards developed country status: the security dimension. IN Low,
L., ed. Singapore: towards a developed status. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, 1999. Pp. 290-311. [DS599.63 Sto]
Alan .
Analysing Singapore's foreign policy in the 1990s and beyond: limitations
of the small state approach. Asian Journal of Political Science,
6 (1):95-119, 1998. [JA26 APS]
Cunha, Derek .
Sociological aspects of the Singapore Armed Forces. Armed Forces
& Society, 25(3):459-475, Spring 1999. Examines the effects of military
conscription on the moulding of a Singaporean identity, the factors
that have allowed the SAF to attract some of the best talent, and the
relationship between the SAF and the bureaucracy and political leadership.
[U21.5 AFS]
Harald .
Tension within ASEAN: Malaysia and its neighbours. Hull, UK:
Dept. of South-East Asian Studies, University of Hull, 1996. Has a chapter
on bilateral relaations between Singapore and Malaysia (pp. 79-97).
[DS520.5 Msa 1]
Richard A. Foreign policy. IN Haas,
Michael, ed. The Singapore puzzle. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999. Pp.
125-149. [DS5999.63 Spu]
Singapore in the 21st century. Singapore: Ministry of Defence, 2000. 78p. [UA853.12
Donald K. Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore:
a regional security core? IN Ellings, R. J. & Simon, S. W.,
eds. Southeast Asian security in the new millennium. Armonk, NY: M.
E. Sharpe, 1996. Pp. 34-88. [UA830 Sou]
N. Factors affecting Singapore's foreign
policy towards Malaysia. Australian Journal of International Affairs,
45(2):182-195, 1991. [D410 AO]
N. Islamic responses within ASEAN to Singapore's
foreign policy. Asian Thought and Society, 13(38):125-134, 1988.
N. Malaysia-Singapore relations: some recent
developments. Asian Affairs (New York), 25(1):21-36, 1998. [DS33.4
N. Singapore: realist cum trading state.
IN Alagappa, M., ed. Asian security practice: material and ideational
influences. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1998. Pp. 579-607.
A commentary on Singapore's approach to national security issues. [UA830
N. Singapore's foreign policy in ASEAN:
major domestic and bilateral political constraints. Ann Arbor, MI:
University Microfilms International, 1990. 281p. Thesis - (Ph.D.) -
Northern Illinois University, 1989. [JA36*UMI 27]
N. Singapore's foreign policy terrain.
Asian Affairs (New York), 9(2):67-79, 1992. [DS33.4 Uni.AA]
Willard A. The new Singapore Armed Forces.
New York: American Universities Field Staff, 1973. 8p. UA853.12 Han
Mutalib. The socio-economic
dimension in Singapore's quest for security and stability. Pacific
Affairs, 75(1):39-56, 2002. [DU1 PA]
Tim .
Defending the lion city: the armed forces of Singapore. St Leonards,
N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin, 2000. 335p. [UA853.12 Hux]
Tim .
The political role of the Singapore Armed Forces' Officer Corps:
towards a military-administrative state? Canberra: Strategic Defence
Studies Centre, Australian National University, 1993. 26p. [UA853.12
Tim .
Singapore and Malaysia: a precarious balance? Pacific Review,
4(3): 204-213, 1991. [DS501 PR]
Wilairat .
Singapore's foreign policy: a study of the foreign policy system
of a city-state. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International,
1976. 565p. Thesis (Ph.D.) – Georgetown University, 1975. [JX1581.12
Wilairat .
Singapore's foreign policy: the first decade. Singapore: Institute
of Southeast Asian Studies, 1975. 105p. [DS520.5 Frs 10]
Frank H. H. The foreign policy of Singapore.
IN Barston, R. P., ed. The other powers: studies in foreign policies
of small states. London: Allen & Unwin, 1973. Pp. 252-286. [JC365
Tommy .
The quest for world order: perspectives of a pragmatic idealist.
Singapore: Times Academic Press and Institute of Policy Studies, 1998.
416p. Collection of speeches and writings by Singapore's foremost diplomat.
[JC362 Koh]
V. G. Hands across waters: Malaysia and
Singapore went their own ways two decades ago, but common interests
remain. Far Eastern Economic Review, 16 August 1984, pp. 36-39. [HC411
Teik Soon .
Malaysia-Singapore foreign policies in Southeast Asia, 1965-1970.
437p. Thesis (Ph.D.) - Australian National University, 1971. Microfilm.
Teik Soon .
Malaysia-Singapore relations: crises of adjustments, 1965-1968.
Journal of Southeast Asian History, 10(1):155-176, 1969. [DS501 JSAH]
Teik Soon .
Role of Singapore in Southeast Asia. World Review, 19(3):34-44,
1980. [D839
Teik Soon .
Singapore in Southeast Asia. IN Chew, Ernest C. T. & Lee,
Edwin, eds. A history of Singapore. Singapore: Oxford University Press,
1991. Pp. 371-384. [DS599.63 His]
Teik Soon & Bilveer Singh ,
eds. Singapore-Indonesia relations: problems and prospects. Singapore:
Singapore Institute of International Affairs, 1991. 228p. Papers submitted
at the Second Indonesia-Singapore Bilateral Conference held in Singapore
from 9-12 November 1988. DS599.63 Sii
Teik Soon ,
ed. New directions in the international relations of Southeast Asia:
the great powers and Southeast Asia. Singapore: Singapore University
Press for the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1973. 208p. [DS525.8
Boon Hiok .
Constraints on Singapore's foreign policy. Asian Survey, 22(6):524-535,
1982. [DS1 AS]
Terence Chek Liang .
Explaining Indonesia's relations with Singapore during the new order
period: the case of regime maintenance and foreign policy. Singapore:
Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University,
2001. 27p. [UA10 Iwp 10]
Michael .
The conduct of foreign policy. IN Sandhu, K. S. & Wheatley,
P., eds. Management of success: the moulding of modern Singapore. Singapore:
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1989. Pp. 965-981. [DS599.63 Man]
Michael .
Singapore's foreign policy: coping with vulnerability. London:
Routledge, 2000. 177p. [DS599.63 Lei]
Michael .
The outlook for Singapore and Malaysia: foreign policies in divergence.
Round Table, 63(250):205-215, 1973. [AP4 RT]
Zubaidah Rahim .
Singapore-Malaysia relations: deep-seated tensions and self-fulfilling
prophecies. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 29(1):38-55, 1999. [DS1
Kim Fong .
Malaysia-Singapore relations: challenges towards a closer ties.
Kuala Lumpur: Faculty of Arts and Social Science, University of Malaya,
1998. 77p. [Microfiche: F0022000]
Linda .
The foreign policy of Singapore. IN Wurfel, D. & Burton, B.,
eds. The political economy of foreign policy in Southeast Asia. Basingstoke,
UK: Macmillan, 1990. Pp. 124-145. [HF1591 Pol]
Michael Teck Hau .
Forever insecure: race and religion as fundamental, determining variables
in Singapore's foreign relations with Malaysia, Indonesia, China and
the U.S. 90p. Thesis (M.I.S.) - University of Sydney, 1993. Microfiche.
Gretchen ,
ed. The Air Force. Singapore: Republic of Singapore Air Force,
1988. 144p.
Commenmorates the 2oth anniversary of the Singapore Air Force. [UG635.12
Joey .
Desecuritizing the water issue in Singapore-Malaysia relations.
Contemporary Southeast Asia, 28(3):504-532, Dec. 2001. [DS501 CSA]
Derek. Australia and the British military
withdrawal from East of Suez. Australian Journal of International
Affairs, 51(2):183-194. [D410 AO]
Derek. The evolution of Australia's defence
policy in relations to Malaysia-Singapore, 1964-1971. Journal of
Southeast Asian History, 3(1):97-110, 1972. [DS501 JSAH]
Derek. The Wilson government and the British
defence committment in Malaysia-Singapore. Journal of Southeast
Asian Studies, 4(2):229-240, 1973. [DS501 JSAS]
Chinniah .
Defence procurement and industry policy: a Singapore perspective.
Defence and Peace Economics, 9(1/2):119-136, 1998. Describes Singapore’s
defence procurement process and outlines its defence industry and technology
policies. [HC79 Def.DPE]
Jean-Louis .
Singapore: new regional influence, new world order. Contemporary
Southeast Asia, 20(3):319-336, 1998. Commentary on Singapore's approach
to foreign policy over the last twenty years noting a change in outlook
since the late 1980s. [DS501 CSA]
Patrick M. The role of the military in
Singapore. IN Olsen , E. A. & Jurika, S., eds. The armed forces
in contemporary Asian societies. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1986.
Pp. 170-185. Traces the historical development of Singapore's armed
forces, its role in the 1980s and the challenges ahead. [UA830 Arm]
T. B. The five-power defence agreement
and Southeast Asian security. Pacific Community, 3(2):341-351, 1972.
[DS501 PC]
David .
In safe hands: the story of the Singapore Civil Defence Force 1989-2000.
Singapore: Singapore Civil Defence Force, 2001. 70p. [TH9593.12 Mil]
Yue Kuen .
The defence policy of Singapore, 1965-1972. 60p. Academic exercise
- Dept. of History, University of Singapore. 1974. [D6 *1975 2]
Ali Faisal .
Singapore and the United Nations security council reforms. 90p.
Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University
of Singapore, 2000. [JA36 *2000 9]
Robert Han Kwee .
Malaysia-Singapore relations: a Malaysian perspective. 62p. Academic
exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University of Singapore,
1992. [JA36 *1992 11]
Sunil Kumar S. A. Singapore-Indonesia relations
1980-1990: the search for security. 78p. Academic exercise - Dept.
of Political Science, National University of Singapore, 1991. [JA36
*1991 10]
Robert L. The role of Singapore in ASEAN.
Contemporary Southeast Asia, 3(2):99-112, 1981. [DS501 CSA]
Chee Meow .
National security. IN Sandhu, K. S. & Wheatley, P., eds.
Management of success: the moulding of modern Singapore. Singapore:
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1989. Pp. 949-962. [DS599.63 Man]
Uei Lim .
Global defence network in Singapore's defence strategy: an analysis.
80p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University
of Singapore, 1999. [JA36 *1999 22]
Poon Kim .
Singapore and ASEAN, 1967-1997. Asian Journal of Political Science,
5(1):68-86, 1997. [JA26 APS]
Andrew T. H. Singapore's defence: capabilities,
trends, and implications. Contemporary Southeast Asia, 21(3):451-474,
1999. [DS501 CSA]
Tai Yong .
Singapore: civil-military fusion. IN Alagappa, Muthiah, ed. Coercion
and governance: the declining political role of the military in Asia.
Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2001. Pp. 276-293. [JQ26 Civ.Ce]
Wei Yi .
Singapore-Philippine relations: the case of Flor Contemplacion.
76p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University
of Singapore, 1996. [JA36 *1996 17]
Sou Chan .
Singapore's relations with Malaysia, 1965-1975. 101p. Academic
exercise - Dept. of History, University of Singapore, 1978. [D6 *1978
Teck Keng .
The establishment of a citizen army in Singapore. 64p. Academic
exercise - Dept. of Government & Public Administration, Nanyang
University, 1972. [JA36*N 1972 5]
Paula Schrier .
Weak but not meek: an international society explanation of asymmetric
deterrence. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International,
1995. 447p. Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Minnesota, 1995. Explores
how some weak states manage not only to deter more powerful challengers,
but are able to achieve cooperation and conciliation with them, without
surrendering thier autonomy or independence. Concentrates on the experience
of Singapore, Taiwan and Sri Lanka. [JA36*UMI 95]
Donald E. ASEAN defense programs: military
patterns of national and regional resilience. IN Kihl, Y. W. &
Grinter, L. E., eds. Security, strategy, and policy responses in the
Pacific rim. Boulder, CO: Lynne Rienner, 1989. Pp. 189-220. [UA830 Sec]
Dick .
The future role of Singapore. London: Oxford University Press
for the Royal Institute of International Affairs, 1972. 120p [DS599.63
Kien Young .
Malaysia and Singapore: a special relationship. 92p. Academic
exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University of Singapore,
1992. [JA36 *1992 21]
Yuan-li .
Planning security for a small nation: lessons from Singapore.
Pacific Community, 3(4):661-674, 1972. [DS501 PC]
Yuan-li .
Strategic significance of Singapore: a study in balance of power.
Washington, DC: American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research,
1972. 28p. [DS599.63 Wu]
Gah Hou .
Singapore-Malaysia relations 1984-88: race, religion and foreign
relations. 98p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science,
National University of Singapore, 1989. [JA36
*1989 12]
Hong Yew .
Singapore and the East Asia Economic Caucus (EAEC): an analysis.
84p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University
of Singapore, 1996. [JA36
*1996 20]