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A Sense of History:
a select bibliography on the history of Singapore

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Singapore, 1965-: Independence & Nation-Building 


Addae-Dapaah, Kwame . Formal housing finance and the elderly in Singapore. IN Datta, K. &Jones, G. A., eds.Housing and finance in developing countries. London: Routledge, 1999. Pp. 89-100. [HD7391 Hou]

Addae-Dapaah, Kwame  & Leong, K. M.  Housing finance for the ageing Singapore population: the potential of creative housing finance schemes. Habitat International, 20(4):25-634, Dec. 1996. [GF101 HI]

Blake, Myrna . The built environment and the underprivileged. Solidarity, 131/132:87-99, July/Dec. 1991. “Focuses on Singapore’s public housing programme”. [DS651 S]

Castells, M.;  Goh, L.  & Kwok, R. Y.-W.  The Shek Kip Mei syndrome: economic development and public housing in Hong Kong and Singapore. London: Pion, 1990. 351p. [HD7371.12 Cas]

Choo, Eng Hong . The Housing and Development Board: its organizations and functions. Academic exercise - Dept. of Government and Public Administration, Faculty of Arts, Nanyang University, 1972. 1 microfilm reel. [HD7371.12 Cho]

Chua, Beng Huat . Political legitimacy and housing: stakeholding in Singapore. New York: Routledge, 1997. 189p. [HD7371.12 Chu]

Chua, Beng Huat . Private ownership of public housing in Singapore. Perth, WA: Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University, 1994. 27p. [DS3 Wma 63]

Chua, Beng Huat . Race relations and public housing policy in Singapore. Journal of Architectural and Planning Research, 8(4):343-354, 1991. [NA1 JAPR]

Drakakis-Smith, David  & Yeung, Yue-Man . Public housing in the city-states of Hong Kong and Singapore. Canberra: Australian National University, 1977. 17p. [HD7371.12 Dra]

Field, Brian . Public housing in Singapore. Land Use Policy, 4(2):147-156, Apr. 1987. [HT101 LUP]

Field, Brian  & Ofori, George . Housing stress and the role of the state. Habitat International, 13(3):125-138, 1989. “Considers the success of Singapore’s housing policies since 1960 and, in particular, the role of the state”. [GF101 HI]

Goh, Lee E. Planning that works: housing policy and economic development in Singapore. Journal of Planning Education and Research, 7(3):147-162, 1988. [Perind Reprint]

Hassan, Riaz . Public housing. IN Hassan, Riaz, ed. Singapore: society in transition. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1976. Pp. 240-268 [HN770.2 Has]

Ho, Kong Chong . Issues of industrail and urban development in local literature: public housing in Singapore. IN Lee, B. H. & Oorjitham, K. S. S., eds. Malaysia and Singapore: experiences in industrialization and urban change. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya, 1993. Pp. 369-392. [DS592 Msf 2]

Ho, Tiffany . The HDB's upgrading programme: its political and socialimplications. 115p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University of Singapore, 1997. [JA36 *1997 5]

Koh, Buck Song . Toa Payoh, our kind of neighbourhood: the HDB 40th anniversary commemorative publication. Singapore: Times Media for Housing & Development Board, 2000.200p. [DS599.4 Koh]

Lau, Who Cheong . Renewal of public housing estates. IN Yuen, B., ed. Planning Singapore: from plan to implementation. Singapore: Singapore Institute of Planners, 1998. Pp. 42-53. [HT169.12 Pla]

Li, William D. H.  Housing in Taiwan: agency and structure? Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 1998. 196p. “Has a chapter entitled Economic performance and housing in Taiwan, S. Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore, pp. 16-58”. [HD7370 Li]

Lim, Chong Yah  & Tay, Boon Nga . Shelter for the poor: housing policy in Singapore. Asian Development Reveiw, 8(1):90-110, 1990. [HC411 ADR]

Lim, Geok Choo  & Sang, Libby . Social aspects of public housing in Singapore: kinship ties and neighbourly relations. Singapore: Research Section, Research & Planning Dept., Housing & Development Board, 1995. 59p. [HD7371.12 Soc]

Low, Charlotte Fuh Raei . Housing the elderly in Singapore: a pragmatic approach. 118p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Real Estate, National University of Singapore, 2001. [TH7 *2001 189]

Low, Linda  & Aw, T. C.  Housing a healthy, educated and wealthy nation through the CPF. Singapore: Times Academic Press for the Institute of Policy Studies, 1997. 133p. [HD7287.8212 Low]

Ng, Karin Yi Lyn . Implications of adapting total quality management in Singapore: a case study of the Housing and Development Board (HDB). 68p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University of Singapore, 1999. [JA36 *1999 19]

Ooi, Giok Ling . Public housing estates in Singapore: the new spatial order. Solidarity, 131/132:123-134, July/Dec. 1991. [DS651 S]

Phang, Sock Yong . Housing markets and urban transportation: economic theory, econometrics and policy analysis for Singapore. Singapore: McGraw-Hill, 1992. 326p. “Based on a doctoral dissertation submitted to Harvard University in 1989”. [HD7371.12 Yon]

Pugh, Cedric . Housing and development in Singapore. Contemporary Southeast Asia, 6(4):275-305, 1985. [DS501 CSA]

Pugh, Cedric . Housing in Singapore: the effective ways of the unorthodox. Environment and Behavior, 19(3):311-330, 1987. [HM206 EB]

Pugh, Cedric . The political economy of public housing. IN Sandhu, Kernial S. & Wheatley, Paul, eds. Management of success: the moulding of modern Singapore. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1989. Pp. 833-859. [Ds599.63 Man]

Pugh, Cedric . Poverty and progress?: reflections on housing and urban policies in developing countries, 1976-1996. Urban Studies, 34(10):1547-1595, 1997. “Contains, amongst others, an evaluation of Singapore's housing and urban policies, pp. 1568-1570”. [NA9000 US]

Quah, Jon S. T.  Singapore's experience in public housing: some lessons for other new states. Singapore: Dept. of Political Science, University of Singapore, 1975. 55p. [HD7371.12 Qua]

Quek, Geok Cheng . Public housing in Singapore, 1970-1979: housing the lower and middle income groups. Academic exercise--Dept. of History, National University of Singapore, 1981. 103p. [D6 *1981 10]

Sakinah Begum Sharif Mohamed . Growth of the ageing population: implications for public housing policies in Singapore. 110p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University of Singapore, 1994. [JA36 *1994 18]

Siddique, Sharon . Culture and identity in the public housing environment. Solidarity, 131/132:1113-122, July/Dec. 1991. [DS651 S]

Sim, Loo Lee ; Lim, Lan Yuan  & Tay, Kay Poh.  Shelter for all: Singapore’s strategy for full home ownership by the year 2000. Habitat International, 17(1):85-102, 1993. [GF101 HI]

Sim, Thomas Soon Lip . Singapore public housing allocation systems: 1947-1995. 110p. Academic exercise - School of Building & Estate Management, National University of Singapore, 1996. [TH7 *1996 132]

Singapore. Housing & Development Board. Public Affairs Section . Public housing in Singapore: yesterday, today and tomorrow. Singapore: HDB, 1998. 1 cd-rom. [HD7371.12 Pub]

Soh, Priscilla Bee Kwan . Public housing in Singapore & Hong Kong. 87p. Academic exercise - School of Building & Estate Management, National University of Singapore, 1996. [TH7 *1996 135]

Tai, Ching Ling . Relocation and high-rise living: a study of Singapore's public housing. 500p. Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Hull, 1986. [HD30*BL 9]

Tan, Augustine H. H.  & Phang, Sock Yong . The Singapore experience in public housing. Singapore: Times Academic Press for the Centre for Advanced Studies, 1991. 49p.  [HD7371.12 Tan]

Tan, Sook Yee . Private ownership of public housing in Singapore. Singapore: Times Academic Press, 1998. 162p. [HD7371.12 Tsy]

Tan, Willie Chee Keong . The housing market. Singapore: Prentice Hall, 2002. 317p. [HD7371.12 Tck]

Tan, Willie Chee Keong . Housing markets and public policy. Singapore: School of Building and Estate Management, National University of Singapore, 1995. 119p. [HD9715.12 Sts 1]

Teh, Cheang Wan . Public housing in Singapore: an overview. IN Yeh, S. H. K. , ed. Public housing in Singapore: a multidisciplinary study. Singapore: Singapore University Press for Housing and Development Board, 1975. Pp. 1-21. [HD7371.12 Yeh]

Teo, Peggy  & Huang, Shirlena . A sense of place in public housing: a case study of Pasir Ris, Singapore. Habitat International, 20(2):307-325, June 1996. [GF101 HI]

Teo, Siew Eng . Patterns of change in public housing in Singapore. Third World Planning Review, 11(4):373-391, 1989. [HT395 Und.TW]

Teo, Siew Eng  & Kong, Lily . Public housing in Singapore: interpreting quality in the 1990s. Urban Studies, 34(3):441-452, 1997. [NA9000 US]

Toh, Mun Heng  & Tay, Boon Nga . Households and housing in Singapore. Singapore: Dept. of Statistics, 1995. 114p. [HB3660.2 Cpm 1990 4]

Tremewan, Christopher . Welfare and governance: public housing under Singapore's party-state. IN Goodman, R.; White, G. & Kwon, H.-j., eds. The East Asian welfare model: welfare orientalism and the state. London: Routledge, 1998. Pp. 77-105. [HV410.5 Eas]

Tu, Yong . Public homeownership, housing finance and socio-economic development in Singapore. Review of Urban & Regional Development Studies, 11(2):100-113, July 1999. [Perind Reprint Collection]

Tyabji, Amina  & Lin, Kuo Ching . The financing of public housing in Singapore. Southeast Asian Journal of Social Science, 17(1):21-43, 1989. [H8 SAS]

Wang, L. H.  & Yeh, Anthony G. O.  Public housing-led new town development: Hong Kong and Singapore. Third World Planning Review; 9(1):41-63, 1987. [HT395 Und.TW]

Weldon, Peter D.;  Western, John S.  & Tan, Tsu Haung . Housing and satisfaction with environment in Singapore. Singapore: Dept. of Sociology, University of Singapore, 1973. 28p. [HD7371.12 Wel]

Western, John S. ; Weldon, Peter D.  & Tan, Tsu Haung . Poverty, urban renewal and public housing in Singapore. Environment & Planning, 5(5):589-600, 1973. [HT166 EP]

Wong, Aline K.  & Yeh, Stephen H. K. , eds. Housing a nation: 25 years of public housing in Singapore. Singapore: Maruzen Asia for Housing & Development Board, 1985. 538p. [HD7371.12 Hou]

Yap, Chong Huat . Housing and Development Board: its roles and problems in Singapore. 82p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University of Singapore, 1982. [JA36 *1982 13]

Yeh, Stephen H. K.  Homes for the people: a study of tenants' views on public housing in Singapore. Singapore: Govt. Print. Off., 1972. 238p. [HD7371.12 Yeh]

Yeh, Stephen H. K.  Households and housing. Singapore: Dept. of Statistics, 1985 106p. [HB3660.2 Cms]

Yeh, Stephen H. K. Housing conditions and housing needs in Singapore. Malayan Economic Review, 14(2):47-71, 1974. [HC497.12 MER]

Yeh, Stephen H. K. , ed. Public housing in Singapore: a multidisciplinary study. Singapore: Singapore University Press for Housing and Development Board, 1975. 439p. [HD7371.12 Yeh]

Yeh, Stephen H. K.  & Pang, Eng Fong . Housing, employment and national development: the Singapore experience. Asia, 31:8-31, 1973. [DS1 AI]

Yeo, Ai Leng . Two and a half decades of public housing in Singapore: policies and impacts. 117p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Geography, National University of Singapore, 1986. [G58 *1986 21]

Yeoh, Brenda S. A.  & Yeow, Pei Lin . Women’s landscape of fear?: safety in the design of public housing estates in Singapore. Asian Profile, 24(6):481-491, 1997. [ DS1 AP]

Yeung, Yue-Man . National development policy and urban transformation in Singapore: a study of public housing and the marketing system. Chicago: Dept. of Geography, University of Chicago, 1973. 204p. [HT175.12 Yeu]

Yeung, Yue-Man . Viability of the neighbourhood unit in Singapore's public housing estates. Bandar, 2:11-19, 1970. [NA9000 B]

Yeung, Yue-Man  & Drakakis-Smith, David . Comparative perspectives on public housing in Singapore and Hong Kong. Asian Survey, 14(8):763-775, 1974. [DS1 AS]

Yeung, Yue-Man  & Drakakis-Smith, David . Public housing in the city states of Hong Kong and Singapore. IN Taylor, J. L. & Williams, D. G., eds. Urban planning practice in developing countries. Oxford, UK: Pergamon Press, 1982.  Pp. 217-238. [HT169.5 Urb]

Yuen, Belinda . Public housing-led recreation development in Singapore. Habitat-International, 19(3):239-252, 1995. [GF101 HI]


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