Singapore, 1965-: Independence & Nation-Building
Amitav & Ramesh, M. Economic
foundations of Singapore’s security: from globalism to regionalism.
IN Rodan, G., ed. Singapore changes guard: social, political and
economic directions in the 1990s. New York: St Martin’s Press, 1993.
Pp. 134-152. [JQ729 Sia]
Pradeep .
Singapore: export-oriented industrialisation. IN Agrawal, P.,
et al. Economic restructuring in East Asia and India: perspectives on
policy reform. London: Macmillan, 1995. Pp. 54-102. An analysis of the
factors that made Singapore a success in economic development. [HC460.5
Florian von .
The role of government in the Singapore economy. Frankfurt am
Main: Peter Lang, 1995. 249p. [HC497.12 Alt]
Mukul G. An economic perspective. IN
Thynne, I. & Ariff, M., eds. Privatisation: Singapore's experience
in perspective. Singapore: Longman, 1989. Pp. 159-82. [HD4335.2
Peter Dennis .
Singapore: a case study of communalism and economic development.
Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1976. 340p. Thesis
(Ph.D.) - University of Washington, 1975. [HC497.12 Bea]
Louis .
Singapore: financing Asia's growth. London: Euromoney, 1996.
166p. Describes Singapore's growth as Asia's leading financial centre.
[HG188.12 Bec]
Walden & Rosenfeld, Stephanie .
Dragons in distress: Asia's miracle economies in crisis. San
Francisco, CA: Institute for Food and Development Policy, 1990. Has
a section on Singapore (pp. 287-336). [HC467 Bel]
Kenneth ,
ed. Singapore: a case study in rapid development. Washington,
DC: International Monetary Fund, 1995. 67p. [HC497.12 Sin]
Jacques & Murray, Georgina .
The 'emerging powers': China, Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan.
Current Sociology, 43(1):65-96, 1995. [HM1 CS]
Peter W. The impact of development: progress
for people through industrial revolution - Singapore. Finance and
Development, 7(3):26-35, 1970. [HG1501 FD]
Bolt, Paul J. The new economic partnership between
China and Singapore. Asian
Affairs (New York), 23(2):83-99, 1996. [DS33.4 Uni.AA]
Ralph C. The evolution of Singapore as
a financial center. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 1986.
52p. [HC59 Bie 45]
Dominic ;
Gibb, Greg & The Financial Institutions
Team. Banking in Asia: the end of entitlement. Singapore: Wiley,
1999. 429p. Has a chapter entitled Hong Kong and Singapore: managed
consolidation, pp. 207-228. [HG3252 Cas]
Manuel .
Four Asian tigers with a dragon head: a comparative analysis of the
state, economy and society in the Asian Pacific rim. IN Appelbaum,
R. P. & Henderson, J., eds. States and development in the Asian
Pacific Rim. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1992. Pp. 33-70. [HC460.5
Iris Suet Yeng .
Recessions in Singapore and their impact on Singapore Inc. 75p.
Academic exercise - Dept. of Economics & Statistics, National University
of Singapore, 2001. [HD30 *2001 7]
Kwok Bun & Tong, Chee Kiong .
Singaporean Chinese doing business in China. IN Chan, Kwok Bun,
ed. Chinese business networks: state, economy and culture. Singapore:
Prentice-Hall, 2000. Pp. 71-5. [HD2910 Chi]
Selina Ching . Socio-economic significance of the pawnbroking
business in Singapore. Asian Journal of Social Science, 29(3):551-565,
2001. Argues that pawnshops are a barometer of socio-economic changes
in Singapore. [H8 SAS]
J. R. Industrial development in Singapore
and South Korea: a challenge to development economics? Contemporary
Southeast Asia, 7(2):127-147, 1985. [DS501 CSA]
Hock Beng .
The downturn in the Singapore economy: problems, prospects and possibilities
for recovery. Southeast Asian Affairs: 296-312, 1986. [DS501 SAA]
Hock Beng .
Export-oriented industrialisation and dependent development: the
experience of Singapore. IDS (Institute of Development Studies)
Bulletin, 12(1):35-41, 1980. [Perind Reprint]
Hock Beng .
Policies for upgrading industrial structure: the case of the new
economic policy in Singapore. 329p. Thesis - University of Sussex,
1984. [HC497.12 Chb]
Hock Beng .
Responding to global challenge: the changing nature of Singapore’s
incorporation into the international economy. IN Rodan, G., ed.
Singapore changes guard: social, political and economic directions in
the 1990s. New York: St Martin’s Press, 1993. Pp. 101-115. [JQ729 Sia]
Hock Beng .
A study of poverty in Singapore. 218p. Thesis (M.Soc.Sc.) - Dept.
of Sociology, University of Singapore. [HM15 *1978 2]
Hock Beng .
Towards a sustained recovery in the Singapore economy and the “new
capitalism”? Southeast Asian Affairs: 317-334, 1990. [DS501 SAA]
Hock Beng .
Wages, incentives and development: the vicissitudes of wage policy
in Singapore. Manchester Papers on Development, 4(4):526-544, Oct.
1988. [Perind Reprint]
Yuk Shing ;
Wong, Marn Heong & Findlay, Christopher
. Singapore
and Hong Kong. IN McLeod, R. H. & Garnaut, Ross, eds. East Asia
in crisis: from being a miracle to needing one? London: Routledage,
1998. Pp. 162-178. [HG5770.5 Eas]
Lay Kuan .
Economic development of Singapore and Confucianism. 75p. Academic
exercise - Dept. of Economics & Statistics, National University
of Singapore, 2000. [HD30 *2000 9]
Siow Yue .
The Asian financial crisis: Singapore's experience and response.
ASEAN Economic Bulletin, 15(3):297-308, 1998. [HC497 Sou.AEB]
Siow Yue .
The Asian financial crisis: Singapore's experience and response.
IN Arndt, H.W. & Hill Hal, eds. Southeast Asia's economic crisis:
origins, lessons, and the way forward. Singapore: Institute of Southeast
Asian Studies, 1999. Pp. 51-66. Reprint of article published in 1998
in ASEAN Economic Bulletin, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 297-308. [HC441 Sou]
Siow Yue .
The economic development of Singapore: a selective survey of the literature.
IN Kapur, Basant K.,
ed. Singapore studies: critical surveys of the humanities and social
sciences. Singapore: Singapore University Press for Centre of Advanced
Studies, National University of Singapore, 1986. Pp. 183-242. [DS599.2
Siow Yue .
Industrialisation strategy and industrial performance in Singapore
1960-73. 336p. Thesis (Ph.D.) - McGill University, 1976. [H31*MGU
1976 1]
Siow Yue .
Singapore: advanced production base and smart hub of the electronics
industry. IN Dobson, Wendy & Chia, Siow Yue, eds. Multinationals
and East Asian integration. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian
Studies, 1997. Pp. 31-61. [HD2755.5 Mut]
Siow Yue .
Singapore: towards a knowledge-based economy. IN Masuyama, Seiichi;
Vandenbrink, Donna & Chia, Siow Yue, eds. Industrial restructuring
in East Asia: towards the 21st century. Singapore : Institute
of Southeast Asia Studies, 2001. Pp. 169-208. [HD3616 Asi.In]
Siow Yue .
Singapore in the aftermath of the Asian crisis. Chowdhury, IN
Anis & Islam, Iyanatual, eds. Beyond the Asian crisis : pathways
to sustainable growth. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2001. 373p. [HC415
Siow Yue . Singapore’s response to the challenge of the Asian
crisis and globalisation. IN Masuyama, Seiichi; Vandenbrink, Donna
& Chia, Siow Yue, eds. Restoring East Asia's dynamism. Singapore:
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2000. Pp. 163-193. [HC412 Res]
Tao Chang .
The Jurong Industrial Estate: present pattern and future prospects.
Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asia, Nanyang University, 1969. 73p.
[HD2321.212 Chi]
Anthony & Ngiam, Kee Jin ,
eds. Outlook for the Singapore economy. Singapore: Trans Global
Pub., 1994. 109p. [HC497.12 Out]
Chun Tsung . Losing the battle, winning the war: intellectual
property protection and high-tech development in Asian newly industrializing
countries. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International, 1997.
401p. Thesis (Ph.D.) – Claremont Graduate School, California, 1997.
“Includes an examination of the strategies of Singapore, Taiwan and
South Korea for developing high-tech industries”. [JA36*UMI 101]
Stephen W. K.; Ho, Kong Chong &
Lui, Tai Lok .
City-states in the global economy: industrial restructuring in Hong
Kong and Singapore. Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1997. 204p. [HC497.12
Meng Kng ,
Low, Linda & Toh, Mun Heng .
Industrial restructuring in Singapore: for ASEAN-Japan investment
and trade expansion. Singapore: Chopmen Publishers, 1988. 121p.
[HC497.12 Chn]
Anis & Islam, Iyanatul. Asia-Pacific
economies: a survey. London: Routledge, 1996. Has a chapter on Singapore
(pp. 194-208) [HC460.5 Cho]
Anis & Islam, Iyanatul . The newly industrialising economies
of East Asia. London: Routledge, 1996. 288p. [HC460.5 Cho]
Neil .
Emulating the Celtic tiger?: lessons for Singapore from the development
of an export-oriented software industry in Ireland. Singapore Journal
of Tropical Geography, 20(1):36-55, 1999. [G38
on Singapore's Competitiveness .
[Report]. Singapore: Ministry of Trade and Industry, 1998. 186p.
[HC497.12 Sin]
P. P. A geography of trade and development
in Malaya. London: Bell, 1972. 286p. [HF3869 Cou]
Emmanuel & Wheatcroft, Carol .
The state of competition in Singapore's retail banking industry:
a report on the impact of the legislative and technological changes
facing Singapore's retail banking industry. Singapore: The Asian
Banker, 2000. 93p. [HG3369.2 Dan]
Christopher M. The foreign economic policies
of Singapore, South Korea, and Taiwan. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar,
2002. 330p. [HF1610.2 Den]
Christopher M. Singapore’s foreign economic
policy: the pursuit of economic security. Contemporary Southeast
Asia, 23(1):1-23, Apr. 2001. [DS501 CSA]
Frederic C. Decision-making and supervisory
authority in cross-cultural perspective: an exploratory study of Chinese
and Western management practices in Singapore. Singapore: Chopmen
Enterprises, 1976. 23p. [HD69 Dec.D]
Frederic C. Dependent development and industrial
order: an Asian case study. New York: Praeger, 1981. xiv, 138p.
[HC497.12 Dey]
Frederic C. ,
ed. The political economy of the new Asian industrialism. Ithaca,
NY: Cornell University Press, 1987. 252p. [HC460.5 Pol]
Mohammed Fadhil ;
Yean, Florence Yng Ling & Ofori, George
. Building
a world class construction industry: motivators and enablers. Singapore:
Dept. of Building, School of Design and Environment, National University
of Singapore, 2001. 85p. [HD9715.12 Dul]
East Asian miracle: economic growth and public policy. New
York: Oxford University Press, 1993. 389p. A World Bank research
report. [HC460.5 Eas]
Suzanna Sa'at .
Balancing state and market: lessons from Singapore privatisation.
69p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University
of Singapore, 1996. [JA36 *1996 5]
H. D. Strategy of economic development
in Singapore. Singapore: Institute of Business Studies, College
of Graduate Studies, Nanyang University, 1970. 51p. [HC497.12 Fon]
Gabriel Yeow Wah .
Income inequality in Singapore. 63p. Academic exercise - School
of Management, Faculty of Business Administration, National University
of Singapore, 1998. Microfiche.
Dennis J. The small developing state: comparing
political economies in Costa Rica, Singapore and Jamaica. Aldershot:
Gower, 1986. Has a chapter on Singapore. [HC497.12 Gay]
Theodore & Geiger, Frances M .
Tales of two city-states: the development progress of Hong Kong and
Singapore. London: Macmillan, 1973. 239p. [HC497.12 Gei]
Rama .
Privatisation in Singapore: a holistic view. IN Ghosh, B. N.,
ed. Privatisation: the ASEAN connection. Huntington, NY: Nova Science
Publishers, 2000. Pp.207-231. [HD4295.8 Pri]
Bock Yin .
Industrial development in Singapore: the role of the Jurong Industrial
Estate. 174p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Geography, University
of Singapore, 1983. [G58 *1983 5]
Chok Tong .
Shipping: our underdeveloped life-line. IN Ng, Charles &
Menon, T. P. B., eds. Singapore: a decade of independence. Singapore:
Alumni International Singapore, 1975. Pp. 77-88. [DS599.7 Ng]
Eileen Yen Tien .
Dolls in the sky: images of economic pragmatism in post-independence
Singapore. 56p. Academic exercise - Dept. of History, National University
of Singapore, 2001. [D6 *2001 6]
Keng Swee .
The economics of modernization and other essays. Singapore: Asia
Pacific Press, 1972. 294p. A collection of speeches from 1955-1971.
[HC497.12 Goh]
Keng Swee .
Investment for development: lessons and experience of Singapore,
1959 to 1971. Singapore, 1973. 18 leaves. “Paper delivered at the
3rd Economic Development Seminar "Investment for Development"
in Saigon on 17th January, 1973”. [HC497.12 Goh]
Keng Swee .
The practice of economic growth. Singapore: Federal Publications,
1977. 265p. A
collection of speeches from 1972-1977. [HC497.12 Goh]
Keng Swee .
Wealth of East Asian nations. Singapore: Federal Publications,
1995. 417p. A
collection of speeches from 1978-1994. [HC497.12 Goh]
Kevin .
Singapore's successful national development policy: the implications
for other island states. IN Lockhart, D. & Drakakis-Smith, D.,
eds. Environmental and economic issues in small island development.
London: Developing Areas Research Group, Institute of British Geographers,
1991. Pp. 103-117. [HC59 Env]
Kevin & Drakakis-Smith, David .
The role of the state in shaping development: two decades of growth
in Singapore. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers,
10(3):347-359, 1985. [G7 IBG]
Natasha Elvina .
States and capital mobility: Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore in
the Asian region. Ann Arbor, MI: University Microfilms International,
1999. 551p. Thesis (Ph.D.) - Cornell University, 1999. [HG136*UMI 10]
Riaz . Symptoms and syndrome of the developmental process.
IN Hassan, Riaz, ed. Singapore: society in transition. Kuala
Lumpur: Oxford University Press, 1976. Pp. 339-347. [HN770.2 Has]
Loizos .
Singapore. IN Privatization: experience of Asian countries. Tokyo:
Asian Productivity Organization, 2000. Pp. 157-170. Focuses on the telecommunications
industry with particular emphasis on Singapore Telecom. [HD4726 Prv]
Ai Yun .
The political process in Singapore's new industrialization. Social
Justice, 21(2):83-109, 1994. [HV6001 SJ]
David Kim Hin .
The seaport economy: a study of the Singapore experience. Singapore:
Singapore University Press, 1996. 210p. [HE559.12 Ho]
Kong Chong .
Industrial restructuring, the Singapore city-state, and the regional
division of labor. Environment and Planning A, 26(1):33-51, 1994.
[HT166 EPA]
Kong Chong .
Singapore: maneuvering in the middle league. IN Clark, G. L.
& Won, B. K., eds. Asian NIEs in the global economy: industrial
restructuring & corporate strategy in the 1990s. Baltimore, MD:
Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995. Pp. 113-142. [HD30.28 Asi]
Kong Chong .
& So, A. Semi-periphery and borderland integration: Singapore
and Hong Kong experiences. Political Geography, 16(3):241-259, 1997.
[JC319 PG]
Sui Sen .
Strategies of Singapore's economic success: speeches and writings.
Singapore: Federal Publications, 1997. 484p. “A collection of speeches
from 1971-1979”. [DS599.51 Hon]
Chi .
The state and foreign investment: the cases of Taiwan and Singapore.
Comparative Political Studies, 22(1):93-121, 1989. {JA1 CPS]
W. G. Developmental state, government,
and Singapore: economic development since 1960. World Development,
23(8):1421-1438, 1995. [HC4 WD]
W. G. Turning the corner in Singapore's
developmental state? Asian Survey, 39(2):214-242, 1999. [DS1 AS]
W. G. What is the Singapore model of economic
development. Cambridge Journal of Economics, 19(6):735-759, 1995.
[HB1 CJ]
Helen .
Growth of Singapore: an external view. Canberra: National Centre
for Development Studies, Research School of Pacific Studies, Australian
National University, 1991. 20p. [HC497.12 Hug]
Helen .
The Singapore economy: the next 25 years. Singapore: National
University of Singapore, Dept. of Economics and Statistics, 1985. 46
leaves. [HC497.12 Lml 1]
Helen & You, Poh Seng ,
eds. Foreign investment and industrialisation in Singapore. Canberra:
Australian National University Press, 1969. 226p. [HG5820.2 Hug]
Mark A. The privatization and regulation
of Singapore Telecom. Asian Journal of Communication, 4(2):121-131,
1994. [P92 Asi.AC]
Wolfgang .
Chinese traders in Singapore: business practices and organizational
dynamics. Saarbrucken, Germany: Breitenbach, 1994. 265p. [HF3869.2
Wolfgang .
Chinese trading firms in transition. IN Evers, H.-D. & Schrader,
H., eds. The moral economy of trade: ethnicity and developing markets.
London: Routledge, 1994. Pp. 126147. [HF3790.8 Mor]
Gee Kum .
An evaluation of the Singapore government's policies in promoting
industrialization. 232p. Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of East Anglia,
1975. [HC497.12 Koh]
Lawrence B. Hong Kong and Singapore: twins
or kissing cousins? Economic Development and Cultural Change, 36(3)Supplement:S45-S66,
1988. [HB1 EDC]
Lawrence B. ;
Koh, Ai Tee & Lee Tsao, Yuan .
The Singapore economy reconsidered. Singapore: Institute of Southeast
Asian Studies, 1987. 230p. [HC497.12 Kra]
Singh. Guided competition in Singapore's telecommunications industry.
Industrial and Corporate Change, 7(4):585-600, 1998. [HD2709 ICC]
Eddie C. Y. Ethnicity, polity, and economy:
a case study of the mandarin trade and the Chinese connection. IN
IN Hamilton, Gary G., ed. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1996. Pp. 113-132.
Analyses the network of mandarin orange trade which connects producers
and exporters in China, middlemen in Singapore, and wholesalers, retailers
and consumers in Malaysia. [HD69 Str.As]
Kai-Sun ,
et al. Industrial development in Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea.
New Jersey, NJ: World Scientific, 2001. 267p. [HC497.12 Ind]
Newman M. K. Government intervention in
the economy: a comparative analysis of Singapore and Hong Kong.
Public Administration and Development, 20(5):397-421, Dec. 2000. [JS40
Hong Thye .
Social structure of small Chinese business firms in Singapore.
45p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Sociology, University of Singapore,
1974. [HM15 *1974 4]
Kuan Yew. Extrapolating from the Singapore
experience. Singapore: Publicity Division, Ministry of Culture,
1978. 30p. [HC497.12 Lee]
Sheng Yi .
Some basic problems of industrialization in Singapore. Journal
of Developing Areas, 7(2): 185-216, 1973. [D842 JDA]
Soo Ann . The economic system. IN Hassan, Riaz, ed. Singapore:
society in transition. Kuala Lumpur: Oxford University Press,
1976. Pp. 3-29. [HN770.2 Has]
Soo Ann .
Industrialization in Singapore. Camberwell, Vic.: Longman Australia,
1973. 132p. [HC497.12 Lee]
Soo Ann .
Papers on economic planning and development in Singapore. Singapore:
Federal Publications, 1971. 73p. [HC497.12 Lee]
Soo Ann .
Recent changes in the manufacturing sector. Southeast Asian Affairs:
272-279, 1979. [DS501 SAA]
Soo Ann .
Singapore goes transnational. Singapore: Eastern Universities
Press, 1977. 64p. [HC497.12 Lee]
Sor Hong .
The economics of pawnbroking in Singapore. 66p. Academic exercise
- Dept. of Economics & Statistics, National University of Singapore,
1996. [HD30 *1996 45]
Suk Houn .
Privatisation in Singapore: an unique experience. 73p. Academic
exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University of Singapore,
1997. [JA36 *1997 7]
William K. M. Labour market segmentation and gender inequality in
Singapore. IN Lai, Siu-Kai., et al., eds. Inequalities and development:
social stratification in Chinese societies. Hong Kong: Institute of
Asia-Pacific Studies, 1994. Pp. 281-300. Examines the relationship between
economic structure and gender income inequality in Singapore’s manufacturing
sector. [HN755.2 Socc.In]
William K. M. The poor in Singapore: issues
and options. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 31(1):57-70, 2001. Examines
the changing patterns of poverty in Singapore and the antipoverty measure
that are in force. [DS1 JCA]
William Keng Mun .
Foreign investment, industrial restructuring and dependent development
in Singapore. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 27(1): 58-70, 1997.
Tsao, Yuan. Growth triangles in Singapore, Malaysia and ASEAN: lessons
for subregional cooperation. IN Chen, E. K. Y. & Kwan, C. H.,
eds. Asia's borderless economy: the emergence of subregional economic
zones. St. Leonards, NSW: Allen & Unwin, 1997. Pp. 89-123. [HC412
Tsao, Yuan .
The Johor-Singapore-Riau Growth Triangle: the effect of economic
integration. IN McGee, T.G. & I. M. Robinson, eds. The mega-urban
regions of Southeast Asia. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1995. Pp. 269-281.
[HT147 *Sou.Me]
Tsao, Yuan .
Overseas investment: experience of Singapore manufacturing companies.
Singapore: Institute of Policy Studies and McGraw-Hill, 1994. 104p.
[HG5820.2 Lee]
Tsao, Yuan. Singapore in economic transition. IN Low, L., ed.
Singapore: towards a developed status. Oxford: Oxford University Press,
1999. Pp. 66-86. [DS599.63 Sto]
Tsao, Yuan ,
ed. Growth Triangle: the Johor-Singapore-Riau experience. Singapore:
Institute of Southeast Asian Studies and Institute of Policy Studies,
1991. 119p. [HC497.12 Gro]
Tsao, Yuan & Low, Linda .
Local entrepreneurship in Singapore: private & state. Singapore:
Times Academic Press for the Institute of Policy Studies, 1990. 247p.
[HF5349.12 Lee]
from a jar: the story of Haw Par.
Singapore: Haw Par Brothers International, 1994. 37p. Haw Par Brothers
International Limited's 25th anniversary commemorative book. [HD2769
Mike Gwo-Jiun .
Food security issues in Singapore: implications for East Asian economies
undergoing agricultural trade liberalization. IN Chern, Wen S.;
Carter, Colin Andre & Shei, Shun-Yi, eds. Food security in Asia
: economics and policies. Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, 2000. Pp. 185-203.
[HD9016 *Eas.Fo]
Kui Wai .
Capitalist development and economism in East Asia: the rise of Hong
Kong, Singapore, Taiwan, and South Korea. London: Routledge, 2002.
300p. A conceptual work that looks at the arguments and findings used
to support and explain the economic success of Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore
and South Korea, and proposes a new paradigm of economism that incorporates
and reinterprets many of the post-war development issues. [HC460.5 Li]
Chong Yah .
Economic development of Singapore since self-government in 1959.
IN Boulding, Kenneth E., ed. The economics of human betterment: proceedings
of Section F (Economics) of the British Association for the Advancement
of Science, Sussex, 1983. London: Macmillan, 1984. Pp.105-131. [HM101
Chong Yah ,
ed. Economic policy management in Singapore. Singapore: Addison-Wesley,
1996. 450p. [HC497.12 Eco]
Chong Yah .
Economic restructuring in Singapore. Kuala Lumpur: Federal Publications,
1984. 117p. [HC497.12 Lim]
Chong Yah ,
et al. Policy options for the Singapore economy. Singapore: McGraw-Hill,
1988. 499p. [HC497.12 Pol]
Chong Yah .
Southeast Asia: the long road ahead. Singapore: World Scientific,
2001. 376p. [HC397 Sou.Li]
David .
Industrial restructuring in Singapore. Bangkok: ILO-ARTEP, 1984.
80p. [HC497.12
Hank .
Singapore's growth prospects to the mid-1990s. Kuala Lumpur:
Institute of Strategic and International Studies (ISIS) Malaysia, 1990.
19p. [HC497.12 Lh]
Joo Jock ,
et al. Foreign investment in Singapore: some broader economic and
socio-political ramifications. Singapore: Institute of Southeast
Asian Studies, 1977. 246p. [DS501 Frs 13]
June .
ASMI: a shared purpose: 30 years of linking up the marine industry.
Singapore: Association of Singapore Marine Industries, 1998. 149p. [VM299.712
Linda .
Chinese business, multinationals and the state: manufacturing for
export in Malaysia and Singapore. IN Gosling, L. A. Peter &
Lim, Linda Y. C., eds. The Chinese in Southeast Asia. Vol. 1. Ethnicity
and economic activity. Singapore: Maruzen Asia, 1983. Pp. 245-274. [DS523.4
Linda .
Singapore's success: the myth of the free market economy. Asian
Survey, 23(6):752-764, 1983. [DS1 AS]
Linda .
Women in the Singapore economy. Singapore: Chopmen, 1982. 33p.
[HD6205.12 Lim]
Linda & Pang, Eng Fong .
Foreign direct investment and industrialisation in Malaysia, Singapore,
Taiwan and Thailand. Paris: OECD Development Centre, 1993. 196p.
[HG5820 Lim]
Linda & Pang, Eng Fong .
Trade, employment and industrialisation in Singapore. Geneva:
International labour Office, 1986. 110p. [HC497.12 Lim]
Linda ;
Pang, Eng Fong & Findlay, Ronald .
Singapore. IN Findlay, R. & Wellisz, S., eds. Five small
open economies. New York: Oxford University Press for the World Bank,
1993. Pp. 93-137. [HC59.72 Pov.Fi]
Mah Hui & Teoh, Kit Fong .
Singapore corporations goes transnational. Journal of Southeast
Asian Studies, 17(2):336-365, 1986. [DS501 JSAS]
Richard .
Banking on a virtue: POSBank 1972 - 1997: celebrating 25 years.
Singapore: POSBank, 1997. 96p. [HG1956.12 Lim]
Richard .
Tough men, bold visions: the story of Keppel. Singapore: Keppel
Corporation, 1993. 141p. [VM299.712 Lim]
Christopher & Wickman, Karl . Political economy. IN
Haas, Michael, ed. The Singapore puzzle. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999.
Pp. 55-75. [DS5999.63 Spu]
Susan .
Grit success: stories of millionaires in our neighbourhood. Singapore:
Prentice Hall, 1999. 169p. Stories of how twenty-one top entrepreneurs
and professionals arrived at their success. [HF5349.12 Lon]
Linda .
Changing the economic policy-making process in Singapore: promises
and problems. IN Langford, J. W. & Brownsey, K. L., eds. Economic
policy-making in the Asia-Pacific region. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Institute
for Research on Public Policy, 1990. Pp. 299-319. [HC497
Linda . The
elusive developed country status. IN Low, L., ed. Singapore: towards
a developed status. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. 376-398.
[DS599.63 Sto]
Linda .
The political economy of a city-state: government-made Singapore.
Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1998. 313p. [HC497.12 Low]
Linda .
The political economy of privatisation in Singapore: analysis, interpretation
and evaluation. Singapore: McGraw-Hill, 1991. 242p. [HD4335.2 Low]
Linda .
Privatisation in Singapore. IN Cook, P. & Kirkpatrick, C.
Privatisation in less developed countries. Brighton, UK: Wheatsheaf,
1988. Pp. 259-280. [HD4420.8 Pri]
Linda ,
et al. Challenge and response: thirty years of the Economic Development
Board. Singapore: Times Academic Press, 1993. 519p. [HC497.12 Chl]
Nguan Kiang .
Nepotism in industries: a comparative study of sixty Chinese modern
and traditional industrial enterprises. 36p. Academic exercise -
Dept. of Sociology, University of Singapore, 1973. [HM15 *1973 11]
Dudley G. ;
Shulze, David L. & Wong, Raymond W. Y.
Banking, finance & monetary policy in Singapore.
Singapore: McGraw-Hill, 1994. 180p. [HG3369.2 Luc]
Bernadette Sook Chin .
Development of pioneer industries in the 1960s. 55p. Academic
exercise - Dept. of History, National University of Singapore, 1982.
[D6 *1982 13]
Ronald & You, Poh Seng .
The economy of Malaysia and Singapore. Singapore: Malaysia Publications,
1966. 62p. [HC497.1 Ma]
David ;
Doner, Richard F. & Haggard, Stephen .
From Silicon Valley to Singapore: location and competitive advantage
in the hard disk drive industry. Stanford, CA: Stanford University
Press, 2000. 351p. Chapter on Singapore written with Wong Poh Kam
(pp. 155-183). [HD9696.27 *Asi.Mc]
Scott Alexander .
Shadows beneath the wind: Singapore, world city and open region.
395p. Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of British Columbia, 1995. [G58 *UMI
Scott & McGee, T. G. The
Singapore-Johore-Riau growth triangle: an emerging extended metropolitan
region. IN Lo, Fu-chen & Yeung, Yue Man, eds. Emerging world
cities in Pacific Asia. Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 1996.
Pp. 417-464. [HT147 Eme]
John A. A silicon island of the east: creating
a semiconductor industry in Singapore. California Management Review,
41(2):55-78, 1999. [HD38 CMR]
Thomas .
Trade routes, trust and trading networks: Chinese small enterprises
in Singapore. Saarbrucken, Germany: Breitenbach, 1993. 237p. [HD2346.12
Thomas .
Trade routes, trust and tactics: Chinese traders in Singapore.
IN Evers, H.-D. & Schrader, H., eds. The moral economy of trade:
ethnicity and developing markets. London: Routledge, 1994. Pp. 104-125.
[HF3790.8 Mor]
and Chinese economic behaviour in Singapore: sociostructural and cultural
conditions for the generation of trust and cooperation in external economic
dealings of Chinese merchants in Singapore. IN Hing, A. Y.; Chang, C. T. & Lansbury, R.,
eds. Work, organisation and industry: the Asian experience. Singapore:
Armour Publishing, 1998. Pp. 122-151.
[HD8720.5 Wor.]
Thomas & Wirtz, Jochen .
From entrepot to NIC: economic and structural policy aspects of Singapore's
development. Singapore: Faculty of Business Administration, National
University of Singapore, 1998. 29p. [HF5006 Rps 98/21]
R. S. The growth triangle in Southeast
Asia: Singapore-Johore-Riau; problems, prospects and implications.
IN DeBernardi, J.; Forth, G. & Niessen, S., eds. Managing change
in Southeast Asia: local identities, global connections. Montreal: Canadian
Council for Southeast Asian Studies, 1995. Pp. 93-102. [DS501.5 Ccsc
R. S. Singapore's growth triangle.
Round Table, 327:291-303, 1993. [AP4 RT]
John ,
et al. The making of a technopreneur. Singapore: ITE Alumni Association,
1999. 249p. Stories of the struggles and successes of fifteen technopreneurs.
[HF5349.12 Mak]
Hafiz .
Multinationals and the growth of the Singapore economy. London:
Croom Helm, 1986. 297p. [HD2915.12 Mir]
S. & Tan, Juay Meng .
The impact of MNC investments in Malaysia, Singapore & Thailand.
Singapore: ASEAN Economic Research Unit, Institute of Southeast Asian
Studies, 1992. 69p. [HD2915.12 Naa]
Manuel & Tan, Khee Giap .
Developing the financial services industry in Singapore. IN Masuyama,
Seiichi; Vandenbrink, Donna & Chia, Siow Yue, eds. East Asia's financial
systems: evolution & crisis. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian
Studies, 1999. Pp. [HG188 Asi.E]
Kee Jin .
Coping with the Asian financial crisis: the Singapore experience.
Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 2000. 35p. [HG187 Iwvr
Kee Jin .
Singapore as a financial center: new developments, challenges, and
prospects. IN Ito, T. & Krueger A. O. Financial deregulation
and integration in East Asia. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
1996. Pp. 359-386. [HC460.5 Nas 5]
Chiang Meng .
Role of the state in economic development in Singapore. 74p.
Academic exericse - Dept. of Economics & Statistics, National University
of Singapore, 1983. [H1983 24]
Mee-Kau & Chan, Chan-Leong .
Structure and development strategies of the manufacturing industries
in Singapore and Hong Kong: a comparative study. Asian Survey, 22(2):449-469,
May 1982. [DS1 AS]
Samuel Bassey .
The extent of Singapore's investments abroad. Aldershot, UK:
Ashgate, 1999. 207p. [HG5820.2 Okp]
Eng Fong .
The distinctive features of two city-states’ development: Hong Kong
and Singapore. IN Berger, P. L. & Hsiao, M. H.-H., eds. In search
of an East Asian development model. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Books,
1988. Pp. 220-238. [HC560.5 Ins]
Eng Fong .
Foreign investment, and the state in a newly industrializing country:
the experience of Singapore. East Asia International Review of Economics,
Politics and Social Development, 3:61-91, 185. [DS501 EA]
Eng Fong .
Growth, inequality and race in Singapore. International Labour
Review, 111(1):15-28, Jan. 1975. A study on income inequality and rapid
development in the sixties and the seventies. Also published in Industrial
and Labor Relations Review, vol. 25, pp. 508-523. [HD4811 ILR]
Eng Fong . Growth, inequality and race in Singapore. IN
Hassan, Riaz, ed. Singapore: society in transition. Kuala Lumpur:
Oxford University Press, 1976. Pp. 326-338. [HN770.2 Has]
Eng Fong .
Race, income distribution, and development in Malaysia and Singapore.
IN Gosling, L. A. Peter & Lim, Linda Y. C., eds. The Chinese in
Southeast Asia. Vol. 1. Ethnicity and economic activity. Singapore:
Maruzen Asia, 1983. Pp. 316-335. [DS523.4 Chi.Ci]
Eng Fong .
Singapore. IN Ng, Chee Yuen & Pang, Eng Fong, eds. The state
and economic development in the Asia-Pacific. Singapore: Institute of
Southeast Asian Studies, 1993. Pp. 27-40. [HC412 Ssed]
Eng Fong .
Staying global and going regional: Singapore’s inward and outward
direct investment. IN Ash, R. & Booth, A., eds. The economies
of Asia, 1950-1998: critical perspectives on the world economy. Vol.
3. New York: Routledge, 2000. Pp. 497-510. “First published in The new
wave of foreign direct investment in Asia. Singapore: Institute of Southeast
Asian Studies, 1995, pp. 111-129”. [HC412 Eco]
Eng Fong & Low, Linda .
Trade, development and internationalization: the experience of Singapore.
IN Kuark, J. Y. T., ed. Comparative Asian economies. Greenwich, CT:
JAI Press, 1996. Pp- 395-417. [HC460.5 Com]
Catherine .
The domestic bourgeoisie: how entrepreneurial? How international?
IN Rodan, G., ed. Singapore changes guard: social, political and economic
directions in the 1990s. New York: St Martin’s Press, 1993. Pp. 184-200.
[JQ729 Sia]
James .
The state and globalisation: Singapore's growth triangle strategy.
Perth, WA: Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University, 1994. 29p.
[DS3 Wma 23]
Gavin & Wilson, Peter .
The Singapore economy. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 1996. 286p.
[HC497.12 Pee]
Martin .
The Singapore growth triangle in the global and local economy. IN
Savage, V. R.; Kong, L. & Neville, W., eds. The naga awakens: growth
and change in Southeast Asia. Singapore: Times Academic Press, 1998.
Pp. 87-112. [HC497 Sou.Sa]
Philip N. State enterprise in Singapore:
a case study in legal importation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University,
1982. 420p. Thesis (S.J.D.) - Harvard University, 1982. [KE5034 Pil]
Philip N. State enterprise in Singapore:
legal importation & development. Singapore: Singapore University
press, 1983. 223p. [HD4335.2 Pil]
Emilyn Kheng Huay .
Regionalisation: a state-led process in Singapore. 141p. Academic
exercise - Dept. of Geography, National University of Singapore, 1995.
[G58 *1995 17]
Jean L. Economic restructuring in Singapore
and the changing roles of women, 1957 to present. IN Aslanbeigui,
N.; Pressman, S. & Summerfield, G., eds. Women in the age of economic
transformation: gender impact of reforms in post-socialist and developing
countries. London: Routledge, 1994. Pp. 129-144. [HQ1870.5 Win]
Poh Huat .
Economic development of Singapore. 148p. Thesis (M.Sc. (Management))
- Naval Postgraduate School, 1974. [HC497.12 Que]
Dang .
The state, family and industrial development: the Singapore case.
Journal of Contemporary Asia, 26(1):3-27, 1996. [DS1 JCA]
Ramkishen S. ;
Sen, Rahul & Siregar, Reza .
Singapore and free trade agreements: economic relations with Japan
and the United States. Singapore: ISEAS, 2001. 106p. [HF1595 Raj]
V. V. Bhanoji .
East Asian economies: the miracle, a crisis and the future. Singapore:
McGraw-Hill, 2001. 175p. Has mentions of Singapore. [HC460.5 Rao]
V. V. Bhanoji .
Income distribution in Singapore: trends and prospects. Singapore
Economic Review, 35(1):143-160, 1990. [HC497.12 SER]
V. V. Bhanoji & Ramakrishnan, M. K. Income
inequality in Singapore: impact of economic growth and structural change,
1966-1975. Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1980. 161p. [HD7061.12
Mohan Sharma .
“Managed” privatisation of Singapore Telecom: a case study. 76p.
Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University
of Singapore, 1998. [JA36 *1998 17]
Philippe .
Spreading Singapore's wings worldwide: a review of traditional and
new investment strategies. Pacific Review, 6(4):305-312, 1993. [DS501
Jonathan .
Singapore and the recession of 1985. Asian Survey, 28(3):340-352,
1988. [DS1 AS]
Garry .
The political economy of Singapore's industrialization: national
state and international capital. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1989. 266p.
Based on author’s thesis (Ph.D.), Murdoch University, 1986. [HC497.12
Garry .
The political economy of Singapore's industrialisation: state policy
and international capital investment. 601p. Thesis (Ph.D.) - Murdoch
University, 1986. [HD30*MDU 1986 1]
Garry .
Reconstructing divisions of labour: Singapore's new regional emphasis.
IN Higgott, R.; Leaver, R. & Ravenhill, J., eds. Pacific economic
relations in the 1990s: cooperation or conflict? St. Leonards, NSW:
Allen & Unwin, 1993. Pp. 223-249. [HC412 Pacf]
Garry .
Singapore: economic diversification and social divisions. IN
Rodan, G.; Hewison, K. & Robison, R., eds. The political economy
of South-East Asia. Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 1997. Pp. 148-178.
[DS525.8 Pol]
Swee Hock .
Singapore: new development strategy for further growth. Southeast
Asian Affairs: 261-271, 1979. [DS501 SAA]
Edgar H. Strategic pragmatism: the culture
of Singapore's Economic Development Board. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press,
1996. 275p. [HC497.12 Sch]
Chee Meow ,
ed. Trends in Singapore: proceedings and background paper. Singapore:
Singapore University Press for ISEAS, 1975. 151p. [HC497.12 Tre]
G. ASEAN economic perspectives: Singapore
and Malaysia. Asian Thought and Society, 10(29:96-114, 1985. [DS1
Hiroshi .
The corporate strategy of Pokka Corporation in Asia. Studies
in Contemporary Society, 6:9-24, Mar. 2001. Traces the historical development
of Pokka Corporation in Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong and China. [HD9016.12
Douglas .
Development versus idealism: can Singapore reconcile the conflict?
Contemporary Southeast Asia, 7(3):172-192, 1985. [DS501 CSA]
Douglas .
Public enterprise in international competition: the case of Singapore.
495p. Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Bradford, 1987. [HD4335.3 Sik]
Committee to Promote Enterprise Overseas .
Interim report of the Committee to Promote Enterprise Overseas. Singapore:
SNP Publishers, 1993. 91p. Teo Chee Hean, chairman. [HG5820.2 Scp]
Cost Review Committee .
Report of the Cost Review Committee. Singapore: SNP Publishers,
1993. 229p. Chairman: Lim Boon Heng. [HD7061.12 Sco]
Cost Review Committee .
Report of the Cost Review Committee, 1996. Singapore: Ministry
of Trade and Industry, 1996. 154p. Chairman: Lim Boon Heng. [HD7061.12
Sco 1996]
Economic Committee . The Singapore economy: new directions:
report of the Economic Committee. Singapore: Ministry of Trade &
Industry, 1986. 234p. Lee Hsien Loong, chairman. [HC497.12 Sec]
Ministry of Trade and Industry. Economic Planning Committee .
The strategic economic plan: towards a developed nation. Singapore:
SNP Publishers, 1991. 148p. [HC497.12
Public Sector Divestment Committee .
Report of the Public Sector Divestment Committee. 120p. [HD4335.2
Task Force on Institutional Reform for Productivity and Quality Improvements
. Report
of Task Force on Institutional Reform for Productivity and Quality Improvements.
Singapore: National Productivity Board and Singapore Institute of Standards
and Industrial Research, 1995. 29p. [HD70.12 Sta]
Smith, Shannon L. D. The Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore
Growth Triangle: a political and economic equation. Australian
Journal of International Affairs 51(3):369-382, Nov. 1997.
[D410 AO]
Teck Wong & Stoever, William A. Foreign
investment and economic development in Singapore: a policy-oriented
approach. Journal of Developing Areas, 30(3):317-340, 1996. [D842
Teck Wong & Tan, C. Suan .
Singapore: public policy and economic development. IN Leipziger,
D. M., ed. Lessons from Asia. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan
Press, 1997. Pp. 213-275. [HC460.5 Les]
Chwee Huat .
Public enterprises and privatisation: the experience of Singapore.
Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 63(1):119-125, 1992. [HD3840
Chwee Huat .
State enterprise system and economic development in Singapore. 279p.
Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Wisconsin, 1974. [HD4335.2 Tan]
Chwee Huat .
Venturing overseas: Singapore's external wing. Singapore: McGraw-Hill,
1995. 146p. [HG5820.2 Tch]
Eng Huat .
Development of Singapore's domestic exports in the seventies.
88p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Economics and Statistics, University
of Singapore, 1978. [HD30 *1978 10]
Eng Huat .
Pawnshops in Singapore. 44p. Academic exercise--Dept. of Economics,
University of Singapore, 1971. Microfilm.
Hock. State capitalism, multinational corporations, and Chinese entrepreneurship
in Singapore. IN Hamilton, Gary G., ed. Asian business networks.
Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 1996. Pp. 157-169. [HD69 Str.As]
Khee Giap & Lee, Wee Keong .
Beyond regionalization: basis for sustainable growth and potential
sources of expansion. IN Low, L., ed. Singapore: towards a developed
status. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999. Pp. 87-121. [DS599.63
Nan Sy .
The political economy of Singapore regionalisation policy. 71p.
Academic exercise - Dept. of Economics & Statistics, National University
of Singapore, 1996. [HD30 *1996 80]
Pheng Theng .
The economic development of Singapore and the labor law changes of
1968: a case study. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University, 1970. 54p.
[KE5009 *1970 7]
San San .
Singapore's agricultural sector: the past, the present and the future.
75p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Economics & Statistics, National
University of Singapore, 1985. [HD30
*1985 39]
Siew Yong .
Management practices in industrial organizations: a cultural profile.
98p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Sociology, University of Singapore,
1977. [HM15 *1977 12]
Teck Meng ;
Low, Aik Meng & Chew, Soon Beng ,
eds. Development experience of Singapore. Singapore: Hanns Seidel
Foundation & Nanyang Business School, 1995. 344p. [HC497.12
Willie .
Construction and economic development: the case of Singapore.
Habitat International, 17(4):75-87, 1993. [GF101 HI]
Yap Kin .
Political regime and economic growth: a case study of Singapore.
72p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Political Science, National University
of Singapore, 1995. [JA36 *1995 21]
Lian See .
Singapore: an economy with a Western or Chinese outlook? 150p.
Academic exercise - Dept. of Business Administration, National University
of Singapore, 1982. [HF345 *1982 14]
Peng Hoon .
The role of the Monetary Authority of Singapore in Singapore economy.
86p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Economics and Statistics, Nanyang
University, 1977. [HF345*N 1977 1]
Mun Heng & Low, Linda .
An economic framework of Singapore: principles and issues. Singapore:
McGraw-Hill, 1990. xiv, 368p. [HC497.12 Toh]
Mun Heng & Low, Linda .
Economic planning and policy-making in Singapore. Economic Bulletin
for Asia and the Pacific, 39(1):22-32, 1988. [HC411 UNEB]
Hariolf .
Singapore – on track as a leading financial center in Asia-Pacific?
Menkhoff, L. & Reszat, B., eds. Asian financial markets : structures,
policy issues and prospects. Baden-Baden: Nomos, 1998. Pp. 129-150.
[HG187 Asa]
Ian .
The administrative state in transition. IN Thynne, I. & Ariff,
M., eds. Privatisation: Singapore's experience in perspective. Singapore:
Longman, 1989. Pp. 19-58. [HD4335.2 Pri]
Ian .
A framework for analysis. IN Thynne, I. & Ariff, M., eds.
Privatisation: Singapore's experience in perspective. Singapore: Longman,
1989. Pp. 1-17. [HD4335.2 Pri]
Ian & Ariff, Mohamed ,
eds. Privatisation: Singapore's experience in perspective. Singapore:
Longman, 1989. 204p. [HD4335.2 Pri]
Mun Heng & Tan, Kong Yam ,
eds. Competitiveness of the Singapore economy: a strategic perspective.
Singapore: Singapore University Press & World Scientific, 1998.
354p. [HC497.12
Chee Kiong .
Centripetal authority, differentiated networks: the social organization
of Chinese firms in Singapore. IN Hamilton, Gary G., ed. Berlin:
Walter de Gruyter, 1996. Pp. 133-156. [HD69 Str.As]
Amina .
Capital flows and macroeconomic stabilization in Singapore. IN
Kwan, C. H.; Vandenbrink, D. & Chia, S. Y., eds. Coping with capital
flows in East Asia. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies,
1998. Pp. 171-191. Covers the period from 1960s to the 1990s. [HG3891
Amina .
The economy. IN Quah, Jon S. T.; Chan, Heng Chee & Seah,
Chee Meow, eds. Government and politics of Singapore. Rev. ed.
Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1987. “A policy-oriented overview
of Singapore’s economic development since 1965”. Pp. 25-44. [JA729 Gov]
Nations Industrial Survey Mission .
A proposed industrialization programme for the State of Singapore.
New York: U.N. Commissioner for Technical Assistance , Dept. of Economic
and Social Affairs , 1963. 1 vol. Albert Winsemius, leader. Photo offset
of original mimeographed copy. [HC497.12 Uni]
Werner .
Technocrats in the state enterprise system of Singapore. Perth,
WA: Asia Research Centre, Murdoch University, 1994. 94p. [DS3 Wma 32]
Ezra F. The four little dragons: the spread
of industrialization in East Asia. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Press, 1991. Has a chapter on Hong Kong and Singapore (pp. 66-82). [HC460.5
Wyatt Worldwide .
Impact of the US slow down on the Singapore economy. Singapore:
Watson Wyatt Worldwide, 2001. 136p. [HF5549.2 Sin.I]
Dick .
Problems facing Singapore's industrialisation. Pacific Community,
3(3):548-560, 1972. [DS501 PC]
Peter .
The problems of a more advanced developing country: why is Singapore
so reluctant to join the super-league? Singapore: Centre for Advanced
Studies, 1999. 57p. [H1 Crps 15]
John .
China's fascination with the development of Singapore. Asia-Pacific
Review, 5(3):51-63, 1998. [HC411 APRE]
John .
Singapore's recent economic set-back: lessons for the NICs. Jao,
Y. C.; Mok, V. & Ho, L.-S., eds. Economic development in Chinese
societies: models and experiences. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press,
1989. Pp. 177-206. [HC427.9 Eci]
Kum Poh .
Essays on the Singapore economy. Singapore: Federal Publications,
1982. 106p. [HC497.12 Won]
Kum Poh & Tan, Maureen ,
eds. Singapore in the international economy: symposium papers. Singapore:
Singapore University Press for the Economic Society of Singapore, 1972.
99p. [HC497.12 Won]
Poh Kam .
From NIE to developed economy: Singapore's industrial policy to the
year 2000. Journal of Asian Business, 12(3):65-85, 1996. [HC411
Poh Kam. Riding the waves: technological change, competing US-Japan
production networks, and the growth of Singapore’s electronics industry.
IN Borrus, Michael; Ernst, Dieter & Haggard, Stephen, ed. International
production networks in Asia: rivalry or riches? London: Routledge, 2000.
Pp. 176-198. [HD9696 Asi.In]
Poh Kam .
The role of the state in Singapore’s industrial development.
IN Wong, Poh Kam & Ng, Chee Yuen, eds. Industrial policy, innovation
and economic growth: the experience of Japan and the Asian NIEs. Singapore:
Singapore University Press, 2001. Pp. 503-579. [HC460.5 Ind]
Poh Kam .
Singapore: electronics and shipbuilding/repair industry case studies.
IN Wong, Poh Kam & Ng, Chee Yuen, eds. Industrial policy, innovation
and economic growth: the experience of Japan and the Asian NIEs. Singapore:
Singapore University Press, 2001. Pp. 580-626. [HC460.5 Ind]
Poh Kam and Ng, Chee Yuen .
Singapore's industrial policy to the year 2000. IN Masuyama,
Seiichi; Vandenbrink, Donna & Chia, Siow Yue, eds. Industrial policies
in East Asia. Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, 1997.
Pp.121-141. [HD3616 Asi.In]
Poh Kam & Singh, Annette A. The
role of foreign MNCs in the technological development of Singaporean
industries. IN Legewie, Jochen & Meyer-Ohle, Henrik, eds. Corporate
strategies for Southeast Asia after the crisis: a comparison of multinational
firms from Japan and Europe. Houndmills, Basingstoke, UK: Macmillan
Press, 2000. Pp. 50-56. [HD2901 Cor]
Poh Kam ,
et al. Development of internationally competitive indigenous manufacturing
firms in Singapore. IN Takahashi, K., ed. Asia's development experiences:
how internationally competitive national manufacturing firms have developed
in Asia. Tokyo: Foundation for Advanced Studies on International Development,
1998. Pp. 372-453. [HD3616Asi.Ff 3]
Souchou .
The fetish for relationships: Chinese business transactions in Singapore.
Sojourn, 2(1):89-111, 1987. [HN763.5 SSA]
Chris .
A port's story, a nation's success. Singapore: Published for
the Port of Singapore Authority by Times Editions, 1990. 160p. [HE560
Caroline .
Industrial restructuring in an Asian newly industrialising country:
Singapore's response to a changing world. 447p. Thesis (Ph.D.) -
University of Oxford, 1988. [HD30*OU 1988 1]
Henry Wai-Chung .
Competing for transnational corporations?: the regional operations
of foreign firms in Hong Kong and Singapore. IN Cook Ian G., et
al., eds. Dynamic Asia : business, trade and economic development in
Pacific Asia. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, 1998. Pp.78-119. [HC412 Coo]
Henry Wai-Chung .
State intervention and neoliberalism in the globalizing world economy:
lessons from Singapore’s regionalization programme. Pacific Review,
13(1):133-162, 2000. [DS501 PR]
Henry Wai-Chung .
Transnational economic synergy and business networks: the case of
two-way investment between Malaysiia and Singapore. Regional Studies,
32(8):687-706, 1998. [NA9000 RS]
Henry Wai-Chung & Olds, Kris .
Singapore’s global reach: situating the city-state in the global
economy. International Journal of Urban Science, 2(1):24-47, 1998.
[Perind Reprint]
Yue-Man .
The marketing system in Singapore. IN Yeung, Y. M. & Lo,
C. P., eds. Changing Southeast Asian cities: readings on urbanization.
Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1976. Pp. 153-164. “Has reference
to Singapore’s policy of deliberate urbanization in the 1960s. First
published in French in Revue Tiers-Monde, 1971.” [HT147 Yeu]
Yue-Man .
A tale of three cities: the competitiveness of Hong Kong, Shanghai
and Singapore in the era of globalization. Hong Kong: Shanghai-Hong
Kong Development Institute & Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific
Studies, 2001. 33p. [HC427.95 Yeu]
Yue-Man .
Travelling night markets in Singapore. IN IN Yeung, Yue-Man.
Changing cities of Pacific Asia: a scholarly interpretation. Hong Kong:
Chinese University Press, 1990. Pp. 237-253. “First published in Periodic
markets, hawkers, traders in Africa, Asia and Latin America, edited
by Robert H. T. Smith, pp. 142-154. Vancouver: Centre for Transportation
Studies University of British Columbia, 1978”. [HT147 Yeu]
Helen Kim Yen .
The spice trade in Singapore. 94p. Academic exercise - Dept.
of Geography, National University of Singapore, 1985. [G58 *1985 20]
Hon Loon .
Practice of nepotism: a study of sixty Chinese commercial firms in
Singapore. 27p. Academic exercise - Dept. of Sociology, University
of Singapore, 1973. [HM15 *1973 13]
Kunio .
Foreign investment and domestic response: a study of Singapore's
industrialization. Singapore: Eastern Universities Press, 1976.
263p. [HG5820.2 Yos]
Kunio .
The rise of ersatz capitalism in South-East Asia. Singapore:
Oxford University Press, 1988. 297p. [HC497 Sou.Ys]
Poh Seng & Lim, Chong Yah ,
eds. The Singapore economy. Singapore: Eastern Universities Press,
1971. 421p. [HC497.12 You]